NO?…Your right! because know one has shown them how too and they would crash for sure.
Its the same as your child handling new situations in life as they get older.
If they are not told how best to handle and cope with situations, they’ll probably crash.
There are many disappointments through-out life from not getting that job, breaking up in a relationship, not having the money or falling out of friendship.
One of the best things a parent can do is to talk about these things when the time is right and be a good listener.
Just leaving them to work it out or to cope from their own experiences is not helping your child build resilience or to cope and move past the upset…and we know it will past, so take the time when those moments arrive and sit down and talk it through.
Some advice I could give would be to sit down and workshop healthy solutions to problems, make sure that your child understands that they won’t be able to fix every problem straight away, and that’s ok.
Because problems generally don’t get solved immediately, there will be some stress going on so its important to talk about how to relieve the stress whilst things are working out, don’t forget to mention they always do but they might not be able to see it at right away.
When talking about coping with stressful or sad situations, try and align it to what normally your child would do in better times and that could be…watch a favourite movie, swimming, exercise, listening to music or self guided meditation, reading, drawing, talking the dog or recommend and help them do something that makes them happy, this can help relieve stress, sadness or upset.
It is super helpful that your child discuss’s their problem with someone they trust. You are their parent and a significant person in their life but depending on their age i.e. teenagers, they might not want to share it all with you so get them together with a person they would trust like a friend, family member or even a counsellor, they can all be very helpful.
A couple of things to remember:
When your child is sad, it’s a perfectly normal emotion and everyone feels sad sometimes. The difference between depression and feeling sad is that depression will hang around and sadness will disappear.
There are so many reasons people can feel sad:
- You have had an argument with someone
- You’re feeling isolated
- You had a bad day at work
- Someone said something nasty to you
- Your relationship has ended
- You didn’t get that job interview
- You failed on a test
- Parents have decided to separate
There are professional services that can be there if that is a better situation for your child, such as:
- Kids Helpline – www.kidshelpline.com.au 1800 55 1800 for 5 to 25 year olds.
- Lifeline – www.lifeline.org.au 131114 for all ages
- ReachOut – www.au.reachout.com
- Suicide Call Back Service – www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au 1300 659 467
- 1800respect – www.1800respect.org.au 1800 737 732
If anyone is in danger call 000 immediately, it’s better to keep safe than be sorry you didn’t act earlier.