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Why its important for men to know about Menopause

Because your partner, sister, mother could be suffering in silence?

Hey Dads, so you know how our bodies change as we get older? Well, women also go through a big change called menopause. It’s a natural process that happens when a woman’s body stops having periods. The timing is normally between 40’s to 60’s when a women’s oestrogen levels drop. but “Perimenopause” can start from as young as 30 years of age. This happens because the ovaries stop releasing eggs and her hormone levels change. These changes cause most women to experience symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, lack of self confidence, depression, trouble sleeping and a lack of sexual desire . It’s a big transition in her life, and she might need support or understanding during this time.”

Menopause is overlooked by many doctors (GP’s). The cause, symptoms and solutions are under publicised yet it happens to most women! Untreated, woman going through Menopause feel like they have to give up their career because some symptoms can be overwhelming. Brain fog and a lack of self confidence, can leave her feeling that she cannot perform at work anymore?

Menopause is inevitable – suffering is not

50% of the population will go through menopause and I have no doubt that many of us Dads have already experienced our partners or someone we know going through menopause, so it’s important you understand it and provide support. If it’s effecting your mum, sister, partner it could be effecting your relationships too, but don’t worry, there are treatments that can help reduce the symptoms.

Read this…in 2023, 85% of women complained of menopausal symptoms but only 10% are getting treatment!

Imagine if our testicles shrivelled up and died at 51, that’s the equivalent, how would you feel, so sit up and take notice dads ~ Dr May Claire Haver

Did you know most GP’s are more likely to prescribe an anti-depressant than Hormone Replacement Therapy? WTF !!

Why don’t our GP’s know the symptoms? They spend only a little amount of time specifically training on the management/treatment of Menopause, yet 1/3 of the worlds women are going through either peri-menopause, menopause or post-menopause. So it’s best to get a referral to a specialist.

Menopause symptoms vary in intensity and duration from woman to woman. Approximately 70 different symptom have been identified however, here is a list of the common menopausal symptoms:

  1. Hot Flashes:
    • Sudden, intense feelings of heat, often accompanied by sweating and a flushed face.
  2. Night Sweats:
    • Hot flashes that occur during the night, leading to excessive sweating and potential sleep disturbances.
  3. Irregular Menstrual Periods:
    • Changes in the menstrual cycle, including irregular periods or the complete cessation of menstruation.
  4. Vaginal Dryness:
    • Reduced moisture in the vaginal area, leading to discomfort, itching, and pain during sexual intercourse.
  5. Sleep Disturbances:
    • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, often linked to night sweats or hormonal changes.
  6. Mood Swings:
    • Fluctuations in mood, including irritability, anxiety, and feelings of sadness or depression.
  7. Weight Gain:
    • Changes in body composition, with some women experiencing weight gain, especially around the abdomen.
  8. Changes in Libido:
    • Decreased interest in or changes in sexual desire.
  9. Fatigue:
    • Persistent feelings of tiredness or lack of energy.
  10. Memory and Concentration Issues:
    • Difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, or “brain fog.”
  11. Joint and Muscle Pain:
    • Aches and pains in the joints and muscles i.e. frozen shoulder
  12. Headaches:
    • Increased frequency or intensity of headaches.
  13. Hair Changes:
    • Thinning of hair or changes in hair texture.
  14. Skin Changes:
    • Changes in skin elasticity, dryness, or an increase in wrinkles.
  15. Urinary Changes:
    • Increased frequency of urination or urinary incontinence.
  16. Heart Palpitations:
    • Sensations of rapid, fluttering, or pounding heartbeats.
  17. Breast Tenderness:
    • Discomfort or tenderness in the breasts.
  18. Changes in Cholesterol Levels:
    • Menopause can be associated with changes in cholesterol levels, potentially increasing the risk of heart disease.

It’s important to realise that some women are getting individual treatment for multiple ailments yet maybe all they need to do is look at them holistically and get their hormones back on track? Surely it’s worth a visit to a specialist?

If left unchecked menopause can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, diabetes and a women’s cholesterol levels can shoot up during your 40-50’s? getting checked will help prevent any negative consequences.

I think it is hugely important to talk about it and not sweep it under the carpet, it might save your marriage or relationship! So whilst you’re driving in the car or laying in bed I recommend you Listen to Dr Mary Claire Haver podcast interview together with your partner.

Shout out to…Dr Mary Claire Haver who is a menopause expert, OBGYN, bestselling author and internet personality. She specialises in women’s health, focusing on empowering and educating everyone to understand women’s bodies. In 2018, she founded ‘The Galveston Diet’, which became a bestseller in 2023. The Mary Claire Wellness Clinic, established in 2021, has helped to empower and educate thousands of women. Her new book is out May 2024 and provides everything a woman needs to know to thrive during her hormonal transition and beyond.

Follow Mary Claire Haver:
Pre-Order Dr Mary’s new book here:

Bonus…If you enjoy hearing about promoting health, self care and the power of fasting, check out the conversation with the nutritional and functional health expert, Dr Mindy Pelz, which you can find here:

