STOPPING parents from seeing their children could fall under the definition of child abuse if George Christensen gets his way.
The Federal Member for Dawson said he would lobby with Victorian independent Senator John Madigan to have the definition of child abuse widened to include parental alienation.
Mr Christensen said the current system for family law and child support was broken.
“My view is parental alienation is a form of child abuse,” he said.
“If one parent is cutting off the meaningful relationship with the other parent, unless they are violent, etc, then that is abuse.”
He said hundreds of constituents had come to him after the other parent had decided they were going to breach court orders and deny access to the child.
“Literally the only redress they have is to take the matter to court, which considering the fact many are also paying child support, is so costly it’s…
My ex partner moved in with a known drug dealer. I removed my children aged 7 and 12 only to be arrested for doing so. I now have no contact with my children and it hurts greatly to think the danger they are in. I’ve reported it to families SA and the police and they just consider me to be mud slinging. I have never felt so hopeless and scared for my child’s safety. Every where I turn seems to be a dead end.
Hi Glen, Thats very tough, we understand your worry. I assume you have proof of the drug dealing. Are you able to arrange mediation to work through your concerns with your children’s mother using a professional mediator so that you can co/parent your children again and be apart of their life.
My ex and I dated for 2 years almost,, a month before our 2 years she left me, blocked me and everyone I know on every social media, moved address’s and changed numbers. A month into our relationship my daughter was conceived. I was around for the first 5 months of my little girls life, my ex left me a year an a half ago,. I’ve been to courts they denied me and laughed because of my criminal history. Family and children services won’t help me because apparently my prove and facts of my ex being and unfit mother is irrelevant and out of spite. Last time I was in trouble with the law was before my 3 year old son was born. I need help/advice,, anything,, I’m out of ideas and moves. I’m open to try anything for my daughter please..
HI Brad,
Yes your trouble with the law was quiet a while ago and I am a great believer that the past does not equal the future. If you have contact with your wife, it would be worth trying mediation. This can help because it uses a professional mediator that is not biased and works through each of your issues and tries to come to a mutual agreement on access etc. There is a great book called “Out on a limb” and it covers areas that a court would look at and keeps in on the right side of them when they determine custody, access etc. check out all the research you can do will help you prepare. Keep up your desire to parent and nurture your child, she needs a good dad in her life, we all know that for sure.
Hi I’m a divorced Dad for one year when my daughter was two and happily co parented with my ex. I have have my daughter for 3 nights and she has her for 4 nights. Just yesterday she announced that she now wants 5 nights. I’m abosolutely devastated by this news because I think my wife has an outside influence in taking more custody. I have a great bond with my daughter as any father would. Her excuse was that because I’m unable to take her to childcare because of my early working hours on Monday but my parents are able to as I live with them. I have my daughter on Thursday night as well and my parents take her to childcare on Friday. Removing a night is devastating to me as I’m losing my bond with her. If I can’t have the 3 nights it feels that I’ve lost my daughter. I’m seriously looking to take my life as I can’t imagine life without her. I plan to drink alcohol, overdose on drugs, cut my wrist and hang my self to ensure 100% completed suicide. I won’t tell you when.
Hi Nelson,
Thanks for reaching out, You’re not alone when it comes to feelings of despair and distress. It is very difficult and I have felt the same when it comes to those feelings of loss.
It sounds like from the little you have told me that you would have a good case to fight that, you have had 3 nights a week and have a family member help you take her to child care for a year now. It shows consistency and family court will want that for the child. I’m sure a judge will look favorably on that. Judge’s will look at 3 things:
1. Your both right
2. Show me you have a place
3. show me you have the time.
You have all three things going for you.
Often ex wifes will say things that legally they will not get, so dont take it too seriously. But you do need to seek legal advise.
I would also call Mensline on 1300789978 or Lifeline on 131114 and talk through your feelings with them, seems to me like you have a good reason to live.
You daughter needs you around, even if it was for 1 day a week or 1 day a month, you are no good to her dead.
You are her dad and she will love you even if she doesnt say? (Kids often dont) but find power in fighting for your rights.
There is a good book called “Out on a Limb” see link of an overview. Find the book and read it, it will help you with knowledge on getting the best outcome for you and your daughter.
Mensline or Lifeline will have legal referrals you could ask for in your state, go and speak to them and you might find none of this will eventuate and you can carry on with your 3 days a week.
Best wishes