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Toasted ham sandwich – in the frypan

If you're like me, I'm always trying to impress the kids with some Dads Cooking. This might not sound like a biggy but the difference you get in taste between a toaster and a fry-plan is huge, when you cook your toasties in non-stick pan - you will … [Continue reading]

Mate, its important but not that important

I'm talking about work. I recently read a story about a Dad who was told by his doctor that he was going to die of cancer. He immediately thought that he should have spent far more time with his children and made them more of a priority. … [Continue reading]

The Do’s and Don’ts of managing the time your child has with you.

Not living with your child everyday can make some Dads very protective, even jealous of time with your children. While many people would think this is a normal emotion it also highlights a need to look at things differently so that your … [Continue reading]

Separated dads have feelings too

When we separate we feel a sense that we have lost our position in the family.  Don't forget that you are still your children's father,  even though you do not live with them. You must maintain a mindset and make it clear in your … [Continue reading]

What to say to the kids?

These were the hardest conversations I ever had! I am sure that every dad and mum dreads telling there children that they are separating.  I wish I had of had tips on what to say to the kids.  It is the most difficult and awkward situation to comes … [Continue reading]

Have you really thought this through?

I receive many emails and speak to many dads on our live chat service and recently a dad ask me a question that made me think that you didn't think this through, did you?He said to me ..."I recently have left my wife and child, they have stayed in … [Continue reading]

Should I keep a diary after separation

Dads Online speak with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group about the important of maintaining a diary or a note of events that occur after separation. These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making … [Continue reading]

Make patience your best friend

Dads Online speak with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group how patience in dealing with issues after separation, can be the most useful tool on your side. These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in … [Continue reading]

Dads home office hacks

We have all been thrown into working from home (some call it remote) and it can be the best thing that has happened to us in our career or is it something we need to get used to? Having more time on our hands is a gift, the time saved travelling … [Continue reading]

Activities for all age groups

Hey Dads, whether you have a 5 year old or teenagers living with you, I thought it might be helpful sharing different types of activities the kids can do during Covid-19 lock-down or simply over school holidays. Toddlers: Allocate jobs, if you … [Continue reading]

Dads Pancake Recipe

Nothing better than making your own pancake mix, its easy, you can make them for yourself, your partner or surprise the kids with a yummy food treat - get the kids to help you, they'll love too! During these times that we must "Stay Home", we have to … [Continue reading]

My family tree activity

Author & Illustrator: Odette. Looking for a great learning activity that the kids can do at home, that's also fun! All you need is a large sheet of paper or cardboard, some colouring pencils, a ruler and a little creative mind. A family … [Continue reading]