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Parenting on a Low Income: Money Doesn’t Equal Love

Every parent wants to do a good job raising their kids.  Many parents with low incomes sometimes worry about how they can provide certain financial based items and activities to their kids. This can cause stress.  Will their kids be as happy as the … [Continue reading]

What I have learnt so far…

I have been a separated dad for over 25 years, twice over. Its something I am not proud of but I am proud of being a good dad. I have had two very different experiences. My first child was every second weekend, I did everything I could to be in her … [Continue reading]

Negotiate Your Way to a Better Deal

People often associate negotiations with deals between companies or purchases but in reality, the average person makes dozens of negotiations every single day. Whether it’s discussion with an (ex)spouse, pleading with children, or coming to a … [Continue reading]

Is your teen at risk of a workplace injury?

Getting your first part time job is a proud moment in anyone’s life, and this will be no different for your teen. Gaining some independence, developing life skills, and earning a bit of cash to spend on just about anything are some of the reasons … [Continue reading]

Things you might forget when planning a road trip

Once you have decided on that once in a lifetime road trip across the country, there is little you can do other than dream about your perfect getaway. But before you get lost in the clouds, come back down to earth and plan your trip properly before … [Continue reading]

How to talk to your child about the News

News gleaned from the TV, radio, or Internet can be a positive educational experience for kids. But when the images presented are violent or the stories touch on disturbing topics, problems can arise. Events all over the world but recently in … [Continue reading]

How to cope emotionally when your children want nothing to do with you.

Rejection is usually a difficult emotion to deal with for anyone. When it comes from your children, the pain can be unbearable. Depending on the circumstances in the family, such rejection can be all consuming for a father. Keep a perspective can … [Continue reading]

Deciding if a part time job is right for your teenager

Having a teenager can be a difficult time, and being one can be even harder. It’s a strange time in their life as they aren’t a kid anymore, but they still rely on people to assist them with decision making. There has been an increase of teenagers … [Continue reading]

Children and Chores: What I’ve learned as a Father

There was one thing I was looking forward to when I had my first kid.  It wasn’t spending time raising someone to be responsible, nor was it having a new best friend to laugh and play with.  It was finally getting someone else to mow the lawn for … [Continue reading]

Top tips to deal with children’s expenses

Stress and emotional pain of a separation can be exacerbated by worrying over expenses for your children.  Let yourself focus on the important things in life, and work on discovering strategies that will help you to find workable solutions to your … [Continue reading]

The power of being present

If you were to spend a lot of time with me a few years ago, you would have observed the serious and worry side of me. Today that side is still there but in a lessor degree because it gets replaced by a conscious effort to be present in the … [Continue reading]

The secret to getting around a fussy eater

If your kids are anything like mine and i think most are, they are fussy eaters. Until recently i threw out a lot of everything I cooked for my daughter, mostly, when I was trying to introduce her to different foods.  She was stubborn when it came … [Continue reading]