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dads out-on-a-limbA book written by Simon Turner, containing helpful and practical suggestions to navigate the journey of separation and divorce. It is not legal advice nor gospel, rather it is real insight and learning’s from his recent experiences and observations whilst working through family law in Australia.

We enter this journey blindly and are completely unaware of what lies ahead. Most of us are not solicitors and are completely ignorant to what is the correct way to go about it versus the wrong way,  if you go forward without any advice or knowledge you will only learn lessons and those lessons come at a very dear price.

The book begins with some very clear and straightforward advice from a judge, which radically changed Simon’s understanding and ultimately his situation, the judge said…

You both think your right
Show me you have time
Show me you have a place

Separation &/ or Divorce whether you asked for it or not will frustrate you, sadden you, financially hurt you, emotionally drain you, distract you, challenge your logic and thoughts of what fair. Simon say’s “When everything appears to be spinning out of control, try standing still like a rock and see where things fall.”

There are ways and things that you can do to prepare yourself for a better outcome and keep your sanity along the way. This books provides an opportunity for you to be prepared, you are starting a journey that nothing you have ever done will prepare you for.

Simon has covered in good detail many topics and in his own words called some of them…

  • The 3 golden rules
  • Delaying the inevitable
  • Personal enemy number 1
  • Your guardian angle
  • The simple truth
  • Grizzly bear the cost of it all
  • You say, she say, hearsay
  • Sharing is caring
  • Deal or no deal
  • The big day
  • Abiding by the decision
  • No regrets
  • and many more….

During this time in your life, emotions will run high, you can be led down a road that you don’t know yourself any more and the decisions you make can alter your future for good or bad. We can be our own enemy and create damage for our self, our relationships and our children if our emotions are not in check. All our actions and behaviors are within our control,  how we behave during this time is what we will be judged on. Take the time to grab a copy of Simon’s book and knowledge up. I assure you it will help.

You can buy a copy of this book by clicking here.

Best wishes for all the guys going through this.


  1. Bradley Lawton says:

    Just finished reading Out on a Limb, A Single Father’s Guide to his Family’s Lore of the Jungle Simon Turner I honestly cannot thank you enough for sending me your book. In the time I needed direction, clarity and just honest truth. I am indebited to you brother. Your book has really lifted my spirit and brightened my soul and outlook in my family jungle I am navigating at present. It brought tears, smiles and confirmed fears I held but like you said speak the truth that’s all I need to do and everything is in the best interest of my beautiful daughter. Good things come to those who wait but greater things come to those who never give up in the face of adversity. From the bottom of my heart Thank you so very much! Bradley Lawton Adelaide SA

