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Quality and Characteristics of being a good Dad – Word Cloud

Recently we asked our Online friends,  What quality or characteristic do you need to be a good dad? We collated all the responses and produced this word cloud…

What quality or characteristic do you need to be a good dad

A Date with Dad

A date with dadThe power of a “Date with Dad” is all about “being there” and spending time talking with your kids,  it is so profoundly meaningful that we often miss it.  Kids thrive when their dads take the time to be 100% present and are available to them.  A regular, “Date with Dad” with each of your kids separately is a great place to begin intentionally investing in the overall health and well-being of your child.  Date nights, days or even mornings do not have to be complicated. They can be a simply getting an ice-cream and going for a walk or sit in the park and chat.

Remember to Listen, be affectionate and never embarrass them.

If your looking for ideas on something new to do? Below I have listed a few ideas.

  • Choose a nice recipe and pick up the ingredients  at the supermarket and then return home and cook it up together.
  • Have a movie night.  Rent, buy or download a movie that you’ll both enjoy, make popcorn, and get relax on the couch.
  • Go for a bike ride or long walk together.
  • Get coffee/milkshake or hot chocolate at your favorite cafe – just spend time talking to one another.
  • Go swimming at your local pool together then sit afterward and have a relaxing chat.
  • Go to a theme park walk around and get on a couple of rides together.
  • Head to the zoo or museum. Stroll through the exhibits and discuss what you see and learn.
  • Attend a concert and sing out loud – even if you’re more Beethoven than Bon Jovi, is a great stress reliever.
  • Take a sculpting or drawing class together.  Your local council normally have short course.  Your art will give your son or daughter a new window into your personality.
  • Visit a golf driving range, bowling, pool hall,  for some old-fashioned fun and friendly competition.
  • Go to the footy together, even if you don’t stay for the whole game, have a game can be fun.
  • Fill up a picnic basket and head to the botanical gardens for a relaxing lazy lunch. Don’t forget your picnic blanket.
  • Act like tourists in your own neighbourhood.  Go to your major city and take photos, and pretend you’re seeing this place again for the first time.
  • Draw sketches of one another. Even if you can’t draw, you’ll have fun and create a lovely memory. Sign and date them.
  • Visit your nearby paint ball or laser tag facility.
  • Glide around at your nearest ice skating rink.
  • Investigate your local planetarium open hours and tour dates and book in for star gazing.
  • Go indoor rock climbing, this sort of activity is fun but also helps fathers and children to build trust.
  • Volunteer for a worthy cause together. Visit the ill, organize a fundraiser for a non-profit, or work at a shelter. You’ll spend time with each other, but you’ll also make a difference and help others. You can see what volunteer opportunities there are in your city by clicking here.
  • Have a tournament of your choice – Battleship, Monopoly, cards, Playstation, etc.
  • Maybe go for breakfast to a funky new cafe instead of lunch or dinner?
  • Go to the movies and have a milkshake or similar before or afterwards.
  • Take a hot air balloon ride.
  • Watch the sun rise or set from a great location.
  • Get your child to choose a restaurant, give them a price guide i.e. $ cheap. $$ medium, $$$+ expensive, suggest some locations, they can use Urbanspoon to do the research before hand and let you know where you will be having your Date Date.
  • Hire a fishing charter, they usually go rain hail or shine, they will also clean and fillet the fish, just take an esky to bring your catch home and have a cook-up on fish and chips.
  • Accomplish a fun home project together i.e.  Paint their bedroom.  You’ll work as a team and feel a whole new kind of satisfaction when you’re done.
  • Have high tea complete with scones and cucumber sandwiches at a ritzy hotel
  • Get an hour foot massage together at one of the Thai massage centers around town.
  • Write or get printed a few vouchers and have on them – “Date with Dad” voucher, valid for ever and include on each one an idea, outing or activity of what you both could do.  They can then cash them in  each time you plan a date.

Any other ideas you might have we would love to hear and share them with others.

Setting our kids up to make good decisions when they are adults

Setting our kids up to make good decisions when they are adultsWe have all come across a child who seems more mature than their years. In some cases these children have achieved this without much guidance or parenting. But more often than not our children require a level of guidance and parenting to help them become good adults.

The decisions we face as we get older are varied and can be anything from – do I want Toast or Nutri Grain for breakfast? to choosing the right career, a savings plan, a life partner or leaving home to live in another State?

As parents, we see our children’s interactions with others and we see their strengths and weaknesses play-out, it is our role to guide and encourage our children to make decisions and interactions that are the right ones. None of us have completed a parenting course and we also need to have a level of maturity that can enable us to impart the sensible and correct guidance onto our kids.

But given that we do, its important for our kids to understand them-self and the world and how we need to play in it to ensure that we are safe and can navigate it successfully.

We play a huge role in providing that support.

One way of doing this can be helping our kids think out what they want from certain aspects of their life and drawing up a chart with specific goals in mind. Remember to keep them realistic i.e. there is no point in writing down that you want to be a Pastry Chef if your child does not like deserts?

From the list below, you will be able to create a top 3 “want” list of things across many categories of life that you can help your child achieve and move towards. It will also give you some insight into what your child’s interests are and what might inspire and motivate them.

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  1. .
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  3. .
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
Volunteering/Charity work
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .

By helping your child look at their strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to make a fairly realistic list of what they would like to achieve in the next 5, 10, 20 years? Keep the list handy, refer to it, talk about it, discuss what might need to happen to achieve some of them and start planning.

Card Hug – a great way to keep in touch

It is not surprising that Australia Post won the best print advertisement at the Caxton Awards in 2007.  M&C Saatchi Melbourne created the advertisement rightly named “Letter Hug”.  In a previous post we spoke briefly of keeping in touch in between visits by sending a card, for the purpose of this post we should call it the “Card Hug”.  The cards are simply written with loving words that ensure your children know they are top of mind even when you are not there.  It can be a message saying  you have arranged something special for the next time they visit, or you were remembering the last weekend and how much fun you had together.

It could be even letting them know how proud you are of them and to have a great week with their mum and you will see them soon. There are lots of message ideas and anyone from 4 – 74 enjoys receiving cards.  A “card hug” sent fortnightly can be a wonderful reminder and a nice habit to get into.

Let us know if you have had experience with this?

The career advice I wish I had at 25

The career advice I wish I had at 25If you’re lucky, someone like; your dad, a teacher, your uncle or your mum shared their personal career experiences and insights with you when you were young. By the time we get to 50 we have gained so much valuable knowledge but it’s useless unless we share it with our kids and use it to equip them with some of our life lessons learned. I wish I had this career advice when I was 25.

1. A career is a marathon, not a sprint
Chill. When we are younger we tend to be impatient. As you get older you realise there is no real rush. Life, and the careers we pursue to fill it and pay the bills, needs to be approached on a long-term basis. If you sprint you will wear out or start to resent work that you previously enjoyed. Allow yourself time to breath and grow. Things will come if you work hard and allow yourself time to get good at things. Always rushing only leaves you empty, and tired. It is fine to give yourself permission to take some time in the slow lane with the hat people. You will find yourself seeing things on the journey that you didn’t realise were there.

2. Most success comes from repetition, not new things
I remember hairdressing legend Stefan Ackerie telling me this in 2003. I had never really thought about it before. A few years later Malcolm Gladwell’s brilliant bookOutliers was published, promoting the idea that you needed to spend 10,000 hours on something to become truly expert at it. This applied to the Beatles and their Hamburg gigs and Bill Gates who, through a series of fortuitous accidents, ended up spending more time than almost anyone else on a computer.

The lesson here is get good at things before you try to move to the next thing. Genuine expertise belongs to an elite few. They seldom have superpowers. They usually have endurance, patience and take a long-term view. They also love what they do. If your find that, don’t let it go.

3. If work was really so great all the rich people would have the jobs
It is well established that almost nobody laments on their death bed that they didn’t spend enough time at the office. This seems obvious. Yet still we let contrived circumstances and fairly trivial issues keep us from important events like school sport days and kids getting badges for picking up rubbish. I wish somebody had schooled me about these priorities at 25. I can remember every sport day and certificate presentation I missed. I can’t remember any of the reasons I missed them.

4. Deprioritise your career when your kids are young
If you have skills, commitment and passion, careers tend to take care of themselves. Over the long haul, it really doesn’t matter if you have a few years when your career is in canter mode while you prioritise young children. This should apply to men and women. I was watching some video of my kids when they were little last week and I realised, again, that the little people in that video don’t exist in that form anymore. They have grown into pride-worthy adults but the tiny people with wonder in their eyes were just passing through. If you miss that time meeting deadlines and finishing reports, you never get it back. Childhood is fleeting. When it is in its formative stages, you get one chance.

You can also miss the chance to learn. Children teach you a lot more than you teach them. They give you a second chance to see the world for the first time through their eyes. And you will be astounded what you miss in the clutter of life. Hold onto those times while you can. As the nun sang in The Sound of Music, you can’t keep a wave upon the sand. And you look kinda ridiculous trying.

5. In the workforce, always act like you are 35
A recruiter gave me this advice some years ago. It is quite inspired. What she meant was, when you are young in the workplace, don’t act as a novice. If you are smart and competent, step up and do whatever you are capable of doing in a mature way. Similarly, when you are an older worker, don’t act like it. Approach your day with youthful energy. To quote a famous Frank Sinatra song: “You’re 35 and it’s a very good year”.

6. Management is about people, not things
It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that all people are equal, behave the same every day and have a generic capacity to perform. Humans are simply not made like that. Business guru Jack Welsh says the workforce consists of 20 per cent of people who are high performers, 10 per cent that you should get rid of and 70 per cent who do okay. The problem is the 70 per cent. Most managers want everyone in the 20 per cent. We need to be careful not to believe that the 70 per cent are underperformers. Sometimes we need to celebrate the competence of the masses not the superpowers of the elite. As managers, we are not managing things, we are empowering people and making the best use of whatever it is they bring to the table.

7. Genuinely listen to others
It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking we have all the answers as individuals. We don’t. As a group we are far more powerful. We need to learn to genuinely collaborate and really listen to the opinions of others. And we need to ask our own people first. So many managers and firms fall into the trap of asking external consultants for answers and then trying to implement the recommendations over the top of tried-and-true employees. In almost every case, our own people already know the answers. We need to avoid letting familiarity blind us to the talent sitting around us.

8. Never work for horrible bastards
Life is way too short to tolerate really bad bosses. If you find yourself working for one, unless you are desperate or starving, start looking for a new job. Immediately. Then sack the bad boss. By leaving.

9. Recognise that staff are people with finite emotional capacity
This is one I really wish I had known earlier. It is clear to me now that humans have a finite emotional capacity. If there is something challenging happening in their personal lives, they have limited capacity left to deal with issues at work. In nearly 100 per cent of cases I have dealt with of people suddenly under-performing at work, it has nothing to do with work. When good people have problems, managers and companies need to carry them. This should be a personal mission. If we learn to carry people when they most need it, we become a stronger community and we empower people in ways that we probably can’t imagine when we are young. A re-invigorated broken employee is a corporation’s most powerful force. They become a slightly better version of themselves without the need for a V energy drink.

10. Don’t just network with people your own age
Beware the whiz kid syndrome. Smart, young people have a habit of forming communities of other smart young people and feeding off each other’s energy. In the older world they are seen as “bright young things” that give confidence that the future is in good hands. Argghhhh. How many times have you heard that? Youth enclaves can actually be restrictive. Smart 20-somethings should make sure they network with older people too. In fact their networking should be about meeting useful mentors and career champions who can open doors and fast track careers. Similarly, older, successful people shouldn’t just sit in musty clubs talking about the 1970s. They should be proactively seeking out smart, young people who can shake them out of their comfort zone and open their eyes to new ideas.

11. Celebrate cultural differences in the workplace
One of the big mistakes we make in Australia is failing to adequately recognise the value of overseas experience and people from a variety of cultures. Diversity brings a richness to our workplaces that benefits all of us. Overseas experience is real experience. We should take every opportunity to inject new thinking into our workplaces. It is where the magic begins.

12. Take the time to understand what your business does
I love the story of President J F Kennedy’s visit to NASA during which he asked a cleaner what his job was. The cleaner replied that he sent rockets to the moon. All of us should feel part of what our organisations actually do. We should take the time to be part of the big picture and always feel connected with the true objectives of our workplace. Don’t wait for someone to tell you or lament that internal communication is crap. Find out for yourself.

13. Don’t put off working overseas
Geography is becoming less relevant. We are all citizens of the world. President Obama made the point during his University of Queensland speech that the world was becoming smaller and even the Pacific Ocean was now just a lake. If you get the chance to work overseas, and you aspire to do that, take it. There is never a right time. And we always regret the things we don’t do far more than the things we do.

14. Work in an office where you have friends
You will spend a lot of time at work. You should work with people you like. I used to be a bit sceptical about a question in employment engagement surveys asking people if they had a “best friend” at work. I realise now that work is much better if you are among friends. The happiest people are those who do things they are passionate about with people they really like. Further to that, if you find you have taken on a job you hate, ditch it quickly. Your career can survive a few well-intentioned detours and mistaken pathways.

15. Never sacrifice personal ethics for a work reason
Crucial to workplace happiness is value alignment. If you work somewhere that compromises your personal ethics and values, get out of there as quickly as you can. Good people will be unnerved by things that don’t feel right. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Bad things only manifest when good people don’t take a stand.

16. Recognise that failure is learning
As bizarre as it might sound, failing is not failure. Researchers recognise that failure is just part of a process to eliminate unsuccessful options. To misquote Woody from Toy Story, when we make a few mistakes, we are not failing, just falling – with style. Even fairy-tale princesses recognise that you need to kiss a lot of toads before you find a handsome prince. Thomas Edison articulated this best: “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.” If we fear failure we tend to take a minimalist approach to our jobs and the opportunities around us. Takes some risks. Sometimes failing spectacularly is the best evidence that we are alive, human and serious about aspiring to the extraordinary. There is no value in being ordinary when you have the capacity to be remarkable.

Thank you to Shane Rogers – Queensland Editor at The Australian

Great Dad moments captured

You see them everywhere, Dads spending quality time with their kids. Nothing new in this (for the lucky ones) but when you capture the picture, its then you freeze the moment and see the enjoyment, the value, the connection that we get from making our kids a priority. Nothing can replace the quality time spent with Dad.

Off to the MCG to watch footy with Dad

Enjoying a ride on a steam train with Dad

Enjoying a ride on a steam train with Dad

Father Day morning at school with Dad

Father Day morning at school with Dad

Out for a walk to get ice-cream at Darling Harbour

Ice-cream at Darling Harbor with Dad

Enjoying a cuddle with Dad at the footy

A cuddle with Dad at the footy

Remote Control boats at Albert Park Lake

Remote control boats at Albert Park Lake with Dad

How to teach your kids about cyber safety

How to teach your kids about cyber safetyUnlike when we were young, stranger danger is about a lot more than what happens in the real world. While it is important to ensure your child knows the age-old stranger danger concerns, it is equally important that they are equipped to protect themselves when on the Internet. Here’s a handy guide on teaching your children everything about cyber safety, from safe browsing habits through to suitable online security solutions like Your Digital File.

Explain Being Online

The first step is to teach children the extent of their online behaviour. Children are often more plugged in than we are; however, many are unaware that the tools that they are using are actually Internet-enabled. Your child needs to understand that they’re online when they’re browsing websites, playing games (on console, computer or mobile), social networking, instant messaging, chatting or reading blogs. It’s much easier to teach children safe online habits when they understand the scope of online behaviour.

Explain Personal Information

Most adults acknowledge that sharing personal information online is a bad idea. It can be harder to convince children though, as many don’t comprehend the difference between general information and personal information. Have a conversation with your child about personal information. Explain that any information about where they live, where they go and how to contact them is personal and shouldn’t be shared. Make a list of the information that counts as personal information (name, address, phone number, etc.) and keep this beside the computer.

It’s important that they also understand that personal information isn’t just accessed via text. Shared images can contain personal information – school logos on clothes, street signs, car registration numbers, etc. – that can be used for nefarious purposes.

Discuss the Issues

Children face a range of issues with their online behaviour – cyberbullying, reputation, identity theft, illegal content, offensive content, sexting, trolling and unwanted contact. Each issue has different circumstances, challenges and implications. Do some research to understand each of these issues yourself before sitting down to talk with your children. It is important to discuss these issues, as children are better able to protect themselves if they can recognise the risk they’re facing for what it is.

Social Security

The risks increase dramatically once older children become active on social media accounts. Whether they’re on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or any of the smaller networks, the increased social behaviour means there are more opportunities for risk. Ensure your children understand that what they do on social media sites has repercussions in the real world. They should only post comments and images that they would not be ashamed for you or their grandparents to see. Social media should never be used to spread lies, gossip or bully another individual. Safe social media habits protect your child, their friends and their future.

These tips aren’t just about protecting your child online. They’re about helping your child developing attitudes and behaviours that enable them to protect themselves. Take the time to talk through the issues with your children as soon as you can.

Watching The Footy: What to do when the boys come around

boys watching the footyThe boys are coming over. What results is a football frenzy that may, or may not involve drinking, eating and possibly a little bit of raucous behaviour. When your team loses it could spoil the day but if you follow these tips, regardless of the results, you’ll always be a winner.



You want something that’s easy to prepare so you’re not distracted from the business of watching the game. Rev up the BBQ and you can knock out some delicious and easily prepared food that will satisfy everyone. If you’re going for steaks and chops, make sure they’re in the marinade on the morning of the game. Overnight is even better. Throw them on the BBQ and away you go.


Chips (hot and cold), dips, something healthy and something not so healthy. Know your friends and their dietary choices – you don’t want to exclude Keith the Vegan by laying on a meat-feast and forgetting to include some vegetables. Cover all your bases by supplying a wide range of snacks but remember that it might be a good idea to stagger the snack distribution; you don’t want everyone filling up before those chops and steaks come off the barbeque.


Yes, beer and footy-watching go together like steak and chips but it may be the case that not all of your friends want to throw down booze and shout at the television. Maybe they’d like to shout at the television while drinking an orange juice or a non-alcoholic cocktail? Never pressure anyone to drink and always respect their choices. But for those who do want a beer, wine or rum and coke, be sure to keep the esky filled with ice and selections. Maybe suggest a pre-match kitty so everyone contributes?

Location of the TV

outdoor lunch watching the footyIt’s no good having the barbeque outside and the television inside. How will you catch all the action if there’s a wall between you and the game? Hearing your mates screaming in excitement is no match for actually seeing what’s going on, so either move the TV to a spot that’s visible from the barbeque or move the barbeque to a spot where you can see the TV – even if it means bringing the barbeque inside the house. That’s a joke. Don’t do it.

Sore losers and bad winners

Everyone knows the terrible pain of watching a favourite team lose and most people know the exhilarating joy of watching their team come out victorious. No one likes a sore loser and no one likes a graceless winner. Rubbing your team’s victory in the face of a loser is not good form and will often result in the breaking down of a friendship. As winner, offer condolences such as Well played, old chap. Better luck next time. And extend your hand in a gesture of solidarity and love of the game. Or just yell Sucker and run away.

What pre-footy rituals do you have? How do you like to watch the action? Share your answers in the comment box below.


dads out-on-a-limbA book written by Simon Turner, containing helpful and practical suggestions to navigate the journey of separation and divorce. It is not legal advice nor gospel, rather it is real insight and learning’s from his recent experiences and observations whilst working through family law in Australia.

We enter this journey blindly and are completely unaware of what lies ahead. Most of us are not solicitors and are completely ignorant to what is the correct way to go about it versus the wrong way,  if you go forward without any advice or knowledge you will only learn lessons and those lessons come at a very dear price.

The book begins with some very clear and straightforward advice from a judge, which radically changed Simon’s understanding and ultimately his situation, the judge said…

You both think your right
Show me you have time
Show me you have a place

Separation &/ or Divorce whether you asked for it or not will frustrate you, sadden you, financially hurt you, emotionally drain you, distract you, challenge your logic and thoughts of what fair. Simon say’s “When everything appears to be spinning out of control, try standing still like a rock and see where things fall.”

There are ways and things that you can do to prepare yourself for a better outcome and keep your sanity along the way. This books provides an opportunity for you to be prepared, you are starting a journey that nothing you have ever done will prepare you for.

Simon has covered in good detail many topics and in his own words called some of them…

  • The 3 golden rules
  • Delaying the inevitable
  • Personal enemy number 1
  • Your guardian angle
  • The simple truth
  • Grizzly bear the cost of it all
  • You say, she say, hearsay
  • Sharing is caring
  • Deal or no deal
  • The big day
  • Abiding by the decision
  • No regrets
  • and many more….

During this time in your life, emotions will run high, you can be led down a road that you don’t know yourself any more and the decisions you make can alter your future for good or bad. We can be our own enemy and create damage for our self, our relationships and our children if our emotions are not in check. All our actions and behaviors are within our control,  how we behave during this time is what we will be judged on. Take the time to grab a copy of Simon’s book and knowledge up. I assure you it will help.

You can buy a copy of this book by clicking here.

Best wishes for all the guys going through this.

Don’t assume they know.

drill down dont assumeWatching Dr Phil the other day I listened to how a girl was out drinking with a group of “so called friends” boys, they all got drunk and she was gang raped.


Why did these boys take advantage of a drunken girl instead of just taking her home? There is no excuse for this. She ended up committing suicide because they distributed photos of the crime and harassed her both on social media and texting.

It got me thinking about what are we saying to both our girls and boys when it comes to behavior when out socially?

Often the words we use are simple and top line discussion instead of drilling down on exactly what behaviour is unacceptable. Simply saying, “be good” or  “don’t get into any trouble” isn’t enough for a young brain to compute or to make sense of, because at that moment they are thinking – of course I will be good, dad.

Lets stop for a minute, sit them down and have a real conversation about what good behaviour looks like and specifically how to look after friends and girls?

Here are some real topics to cover off with your sons and daughters…

  • When you are out drinking with friends and you see a girl that is drunk or vulnerable, you be responsible and ensure she is safe and no
    one touches her in an indecent way. If they do, gather your friends (for support) and say something to make it stop and take her to safety.
  • Call 000 if you feel someone needs more help than what you can give.
  • Never have sex or be intimate with a girl that is not consenting to it. If she says NO she means NO. Walk away, that is the end of that.
  • If you see a friend (girl) that is drinking to much, make sure she has girlfriends around who are looking out for her. If not, alert her friends.
  • If girls are drinking at a party and the boys out number the girls the girls should leave and go home.
  • If you sense trouble ahead on the street, cross the road and stay away from it.
  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Stay with your friends and don’t interact with aggressive people – walk away.
  • Go home before 1am and ensure the girls who are with you get home safely.
  • Do not take photos of people or allow your friends to take photos of people in compromising position i.e. nude photos, sexual photos
  • Never post a comment on social media that would hurt the feelings of another – discuss the feelings that can hurt i.e. embarrassment, unliked or feeling ashamed.
  • Respect other human beings and treat them how you would like to be treated yourself.
  • Call me anytime if you need picking up.

 There are many more direct conversations to have. I would be interested in knowing what other topics  you feel would be good to discuss. These topics help keep our children and others safe. If they are ever in the situation, they will draw back on the conversation and most likely act according to what was discussed.

Please like this and share to everyone for discussion.

An Interview with Darren Lewis from Fathering Adventures.

darren lewis fatherhood adventuresIn this powerful interview Jonathan Doyle talks with Darren Lewis, founder of Fathering Adventures about his programs for boys, girls and their fathers. We learn about the incredible role that a father can play in the lives of sons and daughters and much more.




Welcome to The Men We Need Podcast.  I have the huge pleasure this week of speaking to somebody that I have wanted to talk to for a long time, I have been an unashamed fan of his work because I think it’s absolutely crucial and you know in all the years that I have been working I feel this has been a missing link.  It’s not work that I do, but I think it’s crucial work.  So I am talking with Mr Darren Lewis who is the founder of ‘Fathering Adventures’.  So Darren welcome aboard.

DL:           Thanks Jonathan, it’s great to be speaking with you also.

JD:            And you live in a tough part of the world mate – where are you based?

DL:           Based in Townsville in North, in tropical [h] North Queensland.

JD:            [h] Tropical North Queensland where if it swims, flies, slithers or crawls it can kill you.

DL:           Er, pretty much, pretty much[h]. 

JD:            [h] So I’m excited to talk to you; there’s a lot we’re going to go through.  So let’s just begin telling us a little bit about, just give us a quick synopsis of what Fathering Adventures does.  What happens?

DL:           Sure.  Well look you know, through Fathering Adventures what we do is we provide opportunities for Dads to have some wins – you know it’s really important for a man to have some wins under his belt.  You know a man’s greatest fear is failure and quite often most men feel like failures in the home – as husbands, as fathers – and so we want to, we want to do our best to be able to really equip them and empower them to go about their roles in the best way that they possibly can.  So we provide basically opportunity, that’s really all it is, it’s an invitation, it’s opportunities for men to come, to bring their sons or their daughters and to experience some incredible memory-making moments together.  And it’s so much more than that; I mean there’s a real process involved in regards to where we want to take them.  But initially, first and foremost it’s all about relationship, you know it’s about…relationship is foundational to everything else and so everything that we do involves relationship and enhancing relationship.  Whether the relationships are good or not, you know, we want to sort of move them towards the greater end of the spectrum, and then secondly we really sort of value the importance of raising our boys to be young men and eventually authentic men and so we provide a process on you know, so that their dads within their community of men can usher them and guide them through that process. 

JD:            So of all the things you could have done in the world – astronaut, brain surgeon [h] you know, Formula One driver, you did this.  Why? 

DL:           Well I didn’t start off doing this and it’s interesting actually – what…something we do with the family is we sit around the dinner table at night and we each ask – one person each night – we each ask one another a question, it can be anything, and one of the questions that one of my boys asked one night was simply [h] that, you know, what’s your dream job and um….look that, this, what I’m doing right now – except for the financial elements you know, lacking there[h], is this is my dream job.  So I guess I started off following in my father’s footsteps really to be honest with you.  So he was in the construction industry, from a practical standpoint, he was a rigger and was involved in erecting a lot of steel-frame buildings and so forth, and I…I, you know, it’s in the heart of every boy, of every girl, of every child to really connect with their father and, and I subconsciously, unknowingly sort of wanted to obviously connect with my dad and so I sort of followed him into the industry.  I was more in the planning and proposal sort of the design aspects of the construction industry but that was actually a link where we were able to connect.  But moving into Fathering Adventures I mean I guess there’s a number of reasons.  Number one I came to recognise for myself just how much I lacked not having a relationship with my father and him being quite absent as a workaholic, um, as an alcoholic and so I guess I wanted more for myself, I wanted more for my children, I wanted more for our society and um,…and it’s such a huge, you know this…it’s such a weighty topic.  So between that, and another thing that really challenged me was this obscure ancient Chinese proverb that says ‘If you want to be happy for an hour take a nap, if you want to be happy for a day go fishing, if you want to be happy for a year inherit a fortune and if you want to be happy for a lifetime help someone else succeed’.  And I guess for me, my desire was to help as many people succeed as possible and through my counseling days, I mean we did a lot of counseling – for probably over a dozen years, of men and women – and one of the core things we kept finding, you know probably 99% of the cases, was the fathers absence or the father’s brutality in some way.  There was something, something went wrong, there was some kind of dysfunction in regards to that man and that woman’s relationship with their father when they were younger.  And so when I looked out there I realised well, there’s actually nobody else…there’s nobody out there – or very few people that I came across – who were actually doing too much to prevent the symptoms.  And so I guess that was my desire, I just sort of thought well I want to help as many people succeed and I am really able to best do that if I can help fathers. 

JD:            Oh yeah.  Well you’ve raised, I’ve been taking notes and I’ve planned about 15 podcasts with you already[h].  But I like, you mention about following your father and often when I was doing seminars I’d share the story of reading the recent biography by Hank Haney who was Tiger Woods’ coach and he shares this amazing story where, you know ‘cos Hank Haney would be with Tiger all the time, and there was this obscure piece of information that people didn’t know, which was at the peak of his career Tiger Woods got a very bad knee injury and you know it was sort of almost going to be career-ending and nobody knew how it happened.  But what he reveals in the biography is that you know, almost every weekend that he wasn’t playing golf Tiger was training with the US Navy Seals.  He had all these connections and he was training with the Seals and the other thing that he’d do is, you know sitting around the mansion when they had down-time, you know Tiger would plug into playing US Navy Seals on PlayStation and play it for eight hours at a time – this amazing behaviour.  And then, you know Haney just draws the conclusion, or he doesn’t really draw the conclusion, I sort of joined the dots differently, but you know what did Tiger Woods’ father do for a career?  You know he was a Colonel in the US Special Forces in Vietnam.  And it was just this, you know here is this person acting out, you know who had everything, but is acting out this chronic cry for validation.  And the other one is Michael Jordan who, you know arguably the greatest basketballer in history who walks away at the peak of his fame to play baseball, which coincidentally was the same sport his father was utterly obsessed with.

DL:           Right.

JD:            And it was just like so…  Tell us a little bit more about that; tell us about the cry of the heart – you mentioned before in your counseling work.  What is that?  What is this deep desire that is rarely articulated for the closeness, the affirmation, the love of the father?

DL:           Yeah look, it’s something that is essential for all of us; it’s such an incredibly deep-grown, this deep desire and as you say very few can articulate it ‘cos very few are aware of it.  But as you said though [h] you know, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, myself, you know?  And just it plays out right the way across our society, there is such a deep desire that exists there for Dad, especially in boys and men, for them to know that their dad loves them, that their dad is proud of them and that their dad is able to affirm them and validate them and say you know ‘You’re really good at these things, you know, you have what it takes’.  It’s that core question that every boy has, every young man, and every, you know, mature aged man has.  You know, do I have what it takes?  And you know, especially when we are younger the greatest masculine influence that we have is our biological father or our father figure, you know a significant male other, whoever it is that’s in our life in the absence of dad and so, you know, what he says about us and what he thinks about us really matters.  And it all happens at a very deep level that most of us are just not conscious of but it’s there, it’s there and it needs to be answered. 

JD:            It’s interesting you say that, you know, operative at a very deep level.  I mean reading that biography I was like here is a person acting out these sort of semi-bizarre fantasies and probably deeply unaware of what’s driving them.  But something you said at the start, I really liked how you talked about you know the opportunity for Dads to have some wins and I thought it was really powerful when you said that so many men, you know, feel like failures and it’s the great masculine fear isn’t it.  And um, so…tell us about that.  Why do you think so many men feel like failures? 

DL:           Well you know it comes down to this: there’s probably a whole bunch of reasons you know from the fact that we probably have failed at times and nobody’s kind of looked us in the eye, you know our dads didn’t look us in the eye and say ‘You did not fail’ you know to kind of reinterpret what had actually happened – that’s really important for a dad to do.  But there’s also, you know the idea of um, of just, er, with our failures – um actually I’ve just lost my train of thought there Jonathan…

JD:            I do that every time I make a good cup of tea or something and it sits in front of me during the podcast and I go, that was very good.  So look well give me a…let’s take a little tangent here, tell us a little bit about the process.  Tell us a little bit about, you know, obviously I reckon these dads must turn up, you know their kids, their sons or daughters will be like you know, what is this trap?[h]  So what’s that first dynamic like when they arrive and how do you sort of provide some opening reassurance?

DL:           Okay.  Jonathan, just before I respond to that question, that question actually reminded me of what I was going to say in the answer to your last question and it was simply this: that when you look at men and you know you listen to men and you see where they are strong at, most men feel strong in the workplace.  You know most people, most men will gravitate there and you have to ask here the question why is that?  And I just, I firmly believe that it’s because that’s where we receive our training, our instruction.  You know that’s…we go to university or we you know do an apprenticeship, we get the on-the-ground sort of training and in regards to our social roles as husbands and as fathers – we don’t get that training.  You know it’s, for the most part it’s been um, you know unavailable to us.  You know when our babies are born they don’t kind of come out holding this manual to sort of say okay this is everything you need to know to raise me.  And so, you know we kind of default to where our own dads – most men do – default to where our own dads failed, or we react to it and so, and you know the common cry of men’s hearts that I hear with the dads who come along on our adventures is they say these two things.  They say, you know I believe that I’ve been a really good financial provider and I have been a very good disciplinarian; I’ve taken on those parts of that role really well and the reason why I’ve done that is because that’s what my dad did, that’s what he offered.  And one of the things that they walk away with is they go ‘Wow’ you know, like ‘You’ve just opened my mind up to so much more about my role and it’s stuff that I actually get really enthused about now, you know, this is something I’m excited about, something that I’m going to be implementing, and you know I love this why wasn’t I told this earlier?’  So I think that kind of, I think that’s the response to that first question.  As far as the second question goes, look we, we kind of…when people turn up you know they’re…it’s possible that there’s a bit of awkwardness… you know we don’t, we typically don’t do that ‘cos I build some relationship before, with the dads before they come, at least between myself and them.  I feel as thought they can get to know me on the lead up to those adventures.  Um and then we really kind of, we really kick it off… the very first thing we do to be honest unless we’re somewhere that needs to provide some kind of a site induction, is we’ll play a film clip, some kind of funny film clip in regards to a father and a son or a father and a daughter or something along those lines, and something that will get them laughing, something that will shock them, something that they will sort of think well this…you know ‘Wow, if this is where we are going I can dig this’ you know ‘this is fine’.  And so it’ll get them laughing and I’ll get up there right away and I sort of say guys, you know I showed that clip for two reasons; number one because we’re here to have fun.  And so it just kind of disarms all of the thoughts that could be going through their minds of what’s this all about, what’s gonna happen here and am I going to be kind of…is he going to shine the light in on me and kind of expose me, and you know it sort of addresses all those fears and concerns that a lot of men have.  So we simply sort of say it, we say you know at the end of this weekend or at the end of this week, you know one of the things that’s really important to us is that you can walk away and know that you have had an extremely fun and enjoyable, exciting time with us.  So you find that…you know and that’s one of the reasons why we really involved adventure.  You know there’s a whole bunch of reasons why we’ve involved adventure but for number one is it’s just, once again it’s one of those [.? 14:34] of a man’s heart to engage in some kind of adventure.  And so when you kind of throw out the, the, you know the carrot, the bait, the lure of hey come and have some fun with your son or your daughter, we’re going to organise it all for you, um you know you just find that men really respond to that.  And they’re just like ‘Wow, yeah I’d love to do that, I’ve thought of doing it but…

JD:            It’s a crucial point isn’t it?  I spoke at the World Congress of Families on the weekend and I was dealing with the light and airy topic of pornography addiction in marriage and um [h] you know one of the things I said about you know helping men, you know you’ve got to build a whole big structure about helping men recover from that addiction but I said one of them is fun.  Like I said to this big audience, I said to the men you know, ‘When was the last time you had genuine, outrageous fun?’  You know?  I mean I am lucky, I play golf every day so I’ve ticked that box [h], but I’m just like, all these guys, you could just see all these men from like 17 to 70 sort of going, ‘Ah, yeah, yeah’.  And so this need for adventure, I mean John Eldredge writes powerfully about it, but tell us what do you guys do, what sort of things do you get up to?

DL:           Well it depends on where we are at.  It depends on… on the ages of the children.  You know for our younger age-group, ages sort of 7 through to 13 and their dads – or significant male others – we kind of keep the…we want to make it as affordable as possible, so we more or less introduce them to adventure.  So during our weekends there’ll be a half-day you know professionally-guided group outdoor adventure where all the fathers and sons or dad and daughters can get in together and just share that common experience and adventure together and really build relationships amongst those pairs.  So that can be anything like sea kayaking, canoeing down a river system, high ropes, horse-riding, you know and that obviously depends on our locations.  And we want to keep them, you know we want to keep those kind of tame to suit you know that age-group?  [JD: Yep]  And also, you know mums who are kind of releasing their children um, you know we don’t want to frighten them and we want to put their minds at ease, so what we do is really, you know there’s an element of minor risk, but it’s quite risk free.  With our five-night adventures and our four-night adventures we kind of up the ante somewhat because once again, especially with our four and five-night father/son adventures that whole idea of a boy needing to be tested and challenged in his, you know in his journey, and in the process of him moving from boyhood into manhood and discovering that he does have what it takes – you know the adventures are a little bit more um, er risky, and hard.  And I mean there’s nothing that’s necessarily life-threatening but you know, it’s things like white-water rafting down the Tully River with grade 3 and 4 rapids.  You know there’s sea kayaking between Mission Beach and Dunk Island, we go out on to the reef – that’s probably not quite as risky, although for some just getting out to the reef can be quite a process.  Some can get sea-sick and er, so we go out to the reef and we do snorkeling and some decide to take on the optional extra of doing some scuba-diving out there as that extra sort of challenge.

JD:            There’s so much going on listening to that.  Like I’m sitting here going I wish my four year-old would hurry up and grow up so I could come out[h] but actually I take him out on the golf course; it’s really cute, I just bought ‘em both – I’ve got three little ones – but I just bought my daughter, my five year-old daughter her first set of clubs.  But listening to you I’m reminded of, you know some listeners would know Robert Bly who’s kind of seen as the grandfather of the men’s movement and there’s a line in that book Iron John where he talks about you know that, fathers and sons throughout most of history lived in you know incredible proximity and he actually uses the term ‘murderously close at times’.  And listening to you I think just that experience of fathers and sons and yes, daughters obviously too, but you know just that physical closeness, that tactile being with.  You know because for so many boys, dad may not be around, dad works away so often or dad’s exhausted when he gets home; you know there’s just not that, that physical level of engagement is there?

DL:           No, absolutely.  And that’s so important you know when our kids grow up so quickly, and you know we do have to ask ourselves the question of what are they going to leave home with and what sense of you know real, genuine masculinity are they leaving with?  And what kind of memories are they going to leave with?  What are their memories of me as their father? And what kind of experiences have we shared?  And you’re right, you know we live in a world that’s so incredibly fast-paced, so incredibly busy, and I think a lot of us have just been caught up into that.  It’s a very sort of easy snare to sort of get trapped in.  And yeah look, we want to once again provide those opportunities.  So it just really seals the memory.  But there’s so much more that sort of takes place.  Because it’s not just the act or adventure, it’s not just excitement…/

JD:            No, it’s not and let’s talk about that ‘cos that’s been on my mind.  Like reveal as much or as little as you want.  I’ve had a friend – some listeners would know the inimitable Robert Falzon, Robert if you are listening hello to you – and Robert recently went on one and just was blown away.  And I am a shameless fan; I want every man listening this to really get behind Darren’s vision and make time for this.  But tell us a little bit about what you do in the evenings.  I don’t know too much, but I know that it’s a really important time, the de-brief and that experience.  So what happens?

DL:           Yeah.  Look the first…so I’m going to speak about the five-night adventures here Jonathan is that…right?

JD:            Yeah go for it, yeah yeah.

DL:           Okay, so let’s just look at our five-night father/son adventures for example.  You know we have people come from all over Australia, all over the world; you know USA, Europe, you know Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, and so on, and they’ll arrive in to YANSEL, we’ll drive up…drive up to Tully where we are for our five-night adventures in tropical North Queensland, and then when we get there we kind of once again relax them into it, we show you know that video clip and we’ll begin to speak about where we’re headed for the week, we’ll keep it reasonably light, they’ll get to go and have a good night’s sleep, a good rest, you know have a nice feed and the next day we’ll go out for an all-day adventure.  That evening what we’ll do is we’ll…I’ll actually separate the fathers and the sons and I’ll take the sons down and I’ll present to the sons from a son’s perspective and share my relationship with my father as a son and I’ll get them to do a few things.  You know I’ll get them to…write their dads a letter.  I’ll give them some questions to discuss in small groups after my presentation to them and whilst I am now headed up to speak to the fathers about what it means to be an intentional father, what’s really required from him in that as well as a bit of a briefing of some of the things that he’s gonna do throughout the week. And there’s three main things that we do throughout the week, aside from these presentations each evening – as you pointed out every evening, after having a full day outdoors, you know in the wild sort of doing incredibly fun things and exciting things – we’ll have presentations like you know ‘authentic manhood versus conventional manhood’.  You know we’ll look at the contrast between those things and then we’ll look at the four marks of a real man and then on the final evening is one of the things that I brief the dads earlier in the week for, and so there’s three things.  First of all I tell them, you know what I mentioned before about the idea of a father affirming his son and doing that publically.  And so what we do is, over each mealtime after that, so the very next morning and then that evening and then the very next morning again, we’ll have one, two, three fathers – I’ll invite them to get up and to…and they’ll  grab their son and then they’ll look into their son’s eyes with their hands on their shoulders and they’ll just basically pour that into them; just tell them that they love them and what it is that they love about them, that they are proud of them and what it is that they are proud of them for, and that they do have what it takes to be an incredible man – that dad sees that in them.  And then they’ll kind of sit down and the next person’ll have their go and it all sort of happens over the course of the week that unfolds.  Another thing we do is on the final full day of adventures we do the hike to the summit of a mountain and it’s really a symbolic thing; you know kind of reaching the summit, reaching the pinnacle and it’s the summit of their relationship and the summit of manhood, and once again, during my presentation to the sons right at the beginning I say guys there’s going to be this moment, on the mountainside, before you reach the summit, you are going to branch out, you’re going to have lunch with your dad, I really want to encourage you to ask the question, ask any question of your dad that you have always wanted to know. [JD: Wow]  You know there are some things that we don’t know about our dads and if there’s anything, any question you have, whatever it is, ask your dad right there on the mountainside.  And then I brief the dads, I sort of say guys when we are on the mountainside I have given your permission and I have told your sons to ask you anything that they have always wondered about you; it might be something that happened in your past, how you met mum, you know why did you break up with mum? – whatever it may have been and I said answer them honestly.  You know and just share your heart and share your life with them. 

JD:            Oh yeah.

DL:           And so that’s become an incredible time.   You know that…it’s as…I mean I am always humbled by that because for a lot of fathers and sons, you know they’ll say that was, that moment right there was the most powerful moment on the mountainside…of the whole week, and I’m just, I’m humbled by that because I never sort of dreamt that that would be so incredibly weighty, but there’s always stories of sons saying you know, ‘My father told me something up there on the mountain that he’s never told anybody before, and I told my father something that I have never told anyone before’ [JD: ah yeah] and it’s just this real, you know, deep relationship that’s forged in that moment.  And then of course in the absence of the son asking the question I get dad to share his story; it’s so important – you know cultures right the way down through the ages, right the way round the world have always shared their stories, the fathers, the men of the community have always shared their stories to the sons.  So in the absence of the son asking the question, and if there’s more time there then dad shares his story, something perhaps that he knows that his son doesn’t know and perhaps should know about who he is and his journey into manhood.

JD:            Ah yeah.  And it’s just…keep going yeah.

DL:           And then if the son – sorry Jonathan – then of course the very last thing we do on the very final evening after that, after the mountain hike that day is we have our initiation ceremony.  You know something that’s really critical to boys becoming men is there actually being a ceremony, a date that we can mark on our calendars in the same way that we have been able to say you know I was married on this date; you know there was a ceremony, there was a celebration and so once again, it’s this ceremony that takes place within this community of men that’s been brought together and dad really leads his son on a charge.  You know instead of now affirming him that he’s done earlier in the week it’s now a case of ‘son, you know now this is what’s coming in your life and this is now what I am charging you with’.  And that’s really unique to every father/son combination.

JD:            I was just listening to you, it’s just really moving thinking about my own father who has been dead for a while now and er, just the impact of um, you know of this stuff not happening and you used the word before where you talked about intentional fathering and your whole process is intentional and I think that’s a really crucial word.  Talk to me about intentional fathering; it’s not happening – what is it?

DL:           Well yeah look there’s you know we always say that there’s really three types of fathers.  There’s the absent father and I guess that requires no further explanation, and that can be a man who is actually physically present in the home but is absent.  I mean that was my story with my dad. Then you get, the next rung up so to speak is the involved father, you know he’s the guy who’s on the sidelines at the footie matches or the cricket matches and so on, it’s you know cheering for his son and he’s involved but he’s not necessarily intentional and that’s really the pinnacle of fathering I think; it’s just having this understanding that my boy, my little boy, or my teenage son is going to become a man – what kind of man will he be?  What does he need?  What do I need to do in order to be able to make that happen for him?  Robert Lewis in his book Raising a Modern Day Knight you know, he gives the analogy of the volleyball game, you know the three key, the three strategic moves in volley-ball being the dig, the set and the spike and so he’s sort of…he says it this way.  He says with the dig it’s about us digging into our own character and looking in the mirror, because you know who we see in the mirror is who our son is going to reflect, and so if we need to change something about ourselves now then now is the time to do it.  You know?  Not down the track but right now.  Let’s dig deep in our own characters and make those changes necessary and then there’s the set and it’s really setting our sons up with once again a definition, a vision for what it means to be a real man.  What is a real man?  What does a real man do?  Where does he invest his time and finances?  You know what’s…you know how does a real man treat his wife?  How does he treat others?  You know we need to be intentional about passing that on and teaching and training and instructing and coaching and modeling and all of that.  And that’s intentionality.  And then of course the third key move being a spike is really just once again sealing the deal; it’s finishing strong and that’s really where your idea of ceremony comes in.  And you know when a father has raised his son, has moved his son through that sort of passage, that process, you know he’s proving himself to be an intentional father.  And I believe that every father who comes along to our adventures, I believe that he’s intentional anyway because he just, at some point whether he has just Google-searched us on the internet or whatever, at some point he’s gone, you know what, my son and I could really use this, I’ve really realised that I haven’t offered this in the way that perhaps I should and I’m behind the 8-ball so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna register for something like this now.  I’m going to invest in this, in my time, my finances, you know we’re going to jump on a plane or jump in the car and you know we’re going to make that happen.  So they are intentional before they get there anyway.  It’s really just a matter of expanding upon that intentionality.  And as I said men get enthused about this; they’re like well I never had that growing up.  You know my dad wasn’t there and I just kind of had to fumble my way through on my own you know during those adolescent years, you know with my hormones racing and my emotions you know responding and…and you know wow…I can be there, I can show him, I’ve got a place that’s more weighty, more grand, more glorious than simply you know financial provision and discipline.  And though those things are important, it just gives him once again a vision for something much more grand and they can own that together too which is what I love.  They learn these things together.  Because to be honest with you Jonathan, most men don’t know you know the answers to these things.  And it’s that old saying you know that says ‘How do we take someone where we haven’t been ourselves?’  Well hopefully through what you do, through what I do, through what others are doing we are able to help men, help take them to those places so that they can in turn take their sons.  And I’m quite, I’m always humbled too by the…what happens is is at the end of the weeks – those weeks in particular – we quite often have fathers who will sit there, we’ll be sitting around the campfire or something and they’ll kind of say you know Darren I came here for my son, I brought my son to this because he needed to know these things, but I am telling you that I think I got more than my son out of this.  You know I have recognised things about myself that I, that I can do that I didn’t think I could do, and there’s some things that I can do better.  You know so they themselves whilst we, whilst we’re not out there providing rights of passage for men so to speak, what ends up happening is that men are sort of also transported through a process themselves and they leave much stronger than which they came so… no matter where they have been.

JD:            And it’s amazing the social cost of that lack of intentionality.  Like one of the points we make in our online programme for schools is sort of, you know in the absence of men answering these core questions around sexuality, relationships, intimacy, how to be a fine man, it’s not as if these days boys just drift through with no inputs; they get huge inputs now from internet pornography, often some pretty dodgy stuff from peer groups.  So you know I think what you are doing…and I remember once speaking at – in terms of the social costs – speaking at a very, very elite school overseas, it wasn’t in Australia and at the end of it a woman came to see me and she was…I’m sure, I remember thinking she must have had a modeling career ‘cos she was one of the most stunning women I have ever seen, she was still quite young, came to see me and she said at the end of this presentation on manhood and raising boys and everything she said, you know she had four boys, under the age of 12 and you know she was…her husband was involved in you know, in business internationally and they were lucky to see him six months of the year.  And I just, what struck me was this concept of scoreboards, that in the absence of this deep, abiding sense of affirmation and knowing that interior gaze of the father, that men run scoreboards and scoreboards will be positions, finance, promotion and I’m thinking about – I never met the man – but I’m thinking about you know what is going on in you that you have this wife, you have these four precious little boys and something is driving you so hard.  I mean wouldn’t it be better to live in a mud hut and you know live on food stamps, I mean just to be with them you know like?  So…look something I wanted to ask you was…/

DL:           Just, Jonathan just one second, on that…I mean for most men’s stories I think what they are doing there is they are searching for validation themselves.

JD:            Yeah.

DL:           You know if, as you say, if I can sort of up that score in those particular areas then I am a man.  You know it’s this driven, it’s this wanting to prove, once again most times unknowingly, subconsciously, but yeah, this search for validation you know so that others can see me as a success.

JD:            Yeah look I was, I was 37 before I stopped [h].  I had to have it prized from my hands.  It’s funny[h], it’s like you know I was 37 years of age before I finally you know had enough good people around me to go you know what, it ain’t all about the external performance my friend.  And you know I’ve got this absolutely beautiful four year-old son who is just [h] in many ways the opposite of me[h]; he’s the most gentle, just beautiful little boy and you know listening to you before talk about you know who you see in the mirror is what he’s learning, and I’ve, you know just such a challenge to, to constantly be evaluating myself and where I’m at, because you know I don’t want to channel the worst of previous generations.  And so listen the question I had for you, I’ve got a couple to go, but in all this work you have done and everything you have seen, read, experienced what breaks your heart?

DL:           I think what breaks my heart most is the ignorance.  I think that we as a society as a whole don’t value fatherhood in the way that we should.  We don’t value manhood.  And so you know you have dads who, they…because we don’t talk about these things, because you know the TV Advertisements that show men on TV, or the TV programmes and so on; you know all the stuff that we get usually show men as buffoons, you know instead of good, noble, honourable, and you know men of integrity.  You know men have got I think, I believe, settle for less.  I think that there’s just a not knowing just how important their roles are; as men, as husbands, as fathers.  And so, I mean I fortunately, or unfortunately depending on which way you want to look at it, I get to see a lot of…just a lot of the rubble that’s left from a dad who’s out there, once again seeking and searching for that validation himself, when all the time, you know if I just had some time with him and helped to point him in the right direction – not that I have all the answers – but just to say listen you know, the search for validation, the hunger that you have to be significant, you know will actually come through this, for what you do in the home, for what you do with your wife and for what you do with your kids and so I think when I see…/

JD:            And that’s a complete paradigm shift isn’t it?  For most men.

DL:           Yep – absolutely.

JD:            You know that whole thing you talked about before, the Homer Simpson sort of thing where culturally we just do not put any emphasis on… and you started this podcast talking about you know dads feeling like they have some wins so they go out to the pub, they go out to the office – and we’re not critiquing that, we’re not saying it’s terrible – but we’re just going…you know they don’t realise that the most important goals they kick are going to be once they walk through the front door.

DL:           Yeah, absolutely.  You know there’s a guy by the name of Stephen Clark I think his name is, and he was… he did this, he’s a sociologist from Yale and did this study and I think he studied men for like 15 years or 18 years or something.  And he concluded his study with this sort of sentence.  He said for whatever reason men have this natural tendency to avoid social, you know social involvement.  And you know what he’s saying is there’s this passivity that we as men have inherited that really is in the way, it kind of almost prevents us from interacting with our wives and interacting with our children in a very intentional way.  And so we have to see that come down, you know for us to get a clue.  Men need to be connected with other men…[JD: Yeah, huge] and that’s just not happening enough.

JD:            Yep.  And I said that at the Congress.  And I’ve got a group – know there’s four of us, myself and three other guys.  Three of us have been friends for 15/20 years and a new guy just joined us, but I’m just like…and you know two of these guys are pretty senior people and you know they’ve got very demanding busy lives, and we just make that a priority and we are really, all four of us just… you know telling the truth.  You know Brian McClain, sorry Craig McClain who runs Boys To Men in San Diego talks about community and truth.  He said…that his programme is so simple[h], they just build a community where boys and men tell the truth and I find in my own group of men having that place where you can just be real about what’s actually happening is so powerful.  So my other question for you – I have two to go.  One was we’ve talked about what breaks your heart, what’s your best memory?  What is the most awesome thing that you came home and you lay awake at 2 am thinking that was awesome?

DL:           In what context?  Either myself or as running Fathering Adventures?

JD:            Running Fathering Adventures.  What’s one of the best memories you have had?

DL:           Yeah look um one of my best memories, you know and it’s just there’s so many, but one that sort of stands out to me was a…was a potentially tragic – and it was a tragic situation.  And you know we get all types and you know some incredibly good fathers, better fathers than me I believe, but then we get some dads who we have discussed who just don’t really know any better because they didn’t have that, they’d never received it themselves.  And so there was this one, this one…something that happened last September and we had filled our five-night father/son adventure and what had happened was this, I got this phonecall from this mother and she was distressed and she just basically said, ‘Darren, she said is there any more places left for the September five-night father/son adventure?’  And I said I’m so sorry there’s not, you know we’re already at capacity.  And she said ‘Darren let me tell you why, here’s the story: my son has just failed a second suicide attempt, he’s currently in a hospital and the town in which we live in doesn’t have a hospital for children, or doesn’t have, you know a psychological ward for teenagers or kids or whatever, he’s in an adult institution and he’s sort of really locked up there and you know we are just at the end of ourselves.’  And you know this is something that his father never knew but his mother actually said this to me, she said, ‘When I was speaking to him one of the things that he said was he said, um, you know “dad’s just never there.  You know dad doesn’t know me and I don’t know dad”.’  And I’m not saying that that was the reason why he’s tried to you know commit suicide twice, obviously he was suffering you know depression and I don’t know where his medication status was at, and, you know, who had actually been trying to work through his issues with him – I’m not sure about all of that.  But um, we thankfully, our outdoor adventure guides were able to move heaven and earth and we were able to get him there and with his father and his father was so incredibly willing and his father was just a wonderful man.  And they came along and they just had a ball.  And they went home and the mum phoned me and she just said you know, look what you have done.  ‘We will be eternally grateful for’, like ‘what you have done’, and said ‘You know, my son just had an incredible time and has just come back changed’. But then she sort of said, ‘But my husband, like he’s come back a different man and he’s completely changed and you know he’s already planning taking our next couple of…’ ’cos they’ve got three boys…so already planning on taking the next two boys and making plans for that, and just told me about how…  You know at the time this young man had left high school, he was in year 12 and he had left high school prematurely and at the time he’d actually had to take a phonecall for a potential job application whilst he was with us and we kind of walked him through that a bit and encouraged him and just, you know, told him that we believed in him, and he actually missed out on that job – the mother was… ‘Cos I followed him up, you know I like to, I don’t sort of see these people come and then just, you know, say okay thanks for coming and goodbye.  I maintain a relationship with these people for as long as they want to maintain it for.  And so I remember you know asking her well how did he go with the job?  And she said, ‘Look he didn’t get it – but he did get another job and he’s loving it’. 

JD:            Wow.

DL:           You know there’s just things that, things like the idea of accepting responsibility, that they learnt there.  And one of the things was just simply, you know dad sort of said you know we always have to be on your back to take out the rubbish each week.  You know would you do that, and take responsibility for doing that and really helping us out in that way?  And once again the mother sort of said you know what, we don’t have to ask him to take out the bin anymore, he just does it because he’s accepting responsibility, one of those four marks of a real man so…

JD:            [h] Small victories.  So I’m gonna wrap this up.  I want to ask, not so much in the context of Fathering Adventures, I’m going to give a massive plug to that in just a second, but I want you to imagine that you walk into a room and sitting in front of you you have 1,000 fathers of adolescents, and you are given the chance – you can only give them two pieces of advice – and the absolute two go-to pieces of advice about how to be an intentional father, what’s important.  What two things would you tell them?

DL:           To be involved, get involved, be there.  You know don’t be absent.  You know just once again the power of a father’s presence can just never be overstated.  So just, you know to be honest with you I don’t need two.  That for me is the fist one: dad plug in, dad whatever you…whatever it is that you feel that you can’t offer, don’t have, then do whatever it takes to get that.  Go and read a book, go and get alongside a mentor, some father that you look at and sort of see okay, he’s done well with his son and I really respect him as a father, I’m going to connect with him.  And so I guess those would be the two pieces of advice: be there and if you feel inadequate as most men do you are not alone, but get help, you know find somebody who can help you, take you to that place.  And do that unashamedly because you know you will grow so much through that and then ultimately you’ll be prepared to be there for somebody else.  I mean we need to pass this on to others. 

JD:            Yeah.  Mate thank you so much.  I just want to give a huge plug now for everyone listening, you have to go to  I’m going to put a link to it underneath the podcast but make a decision that today you are going to visit fathering adventures, one word, and check out Darren’s site.  I have just felt such a heart for this from when I first encountered Darren’s work; I have no [h] commercial involvement with it so I’m not benefiting here, I just think there is gold here and this one strategy of going on these adventures can just have such a massive impact.  So if you are a mother listening to this, you know handcuff your husband to a chair and make him listen to this podcast.  I want you to, you know whoever is listening to this, get it in front of principals, teachers, it’s just such an important and wonderful ministry and I think the more that we can get people along to Fathering Adventures the better.  I’ve just such a heart for what this can do; for individuals, for schools, for communities… So mate, Darren to you a huge thanks mate.  I know there’s days when you are probably you know thinking how’s it all going to come together and everything but I just… mate, you started by that proverb where you talked about you know if you wanted to be happy for a lifetime and um, I think when we get to heaven and you see that big HD movie of your life you know there’ll be so many people who have been touched so a huge thank you for what you do.

DL:           Yeah, thank you and thank you for what you do Jonathan, we really appreciate you and yeah, there’s so many men out there who are doing so many great things – and you’re one of them mate so I respect you.  Bless you.

JD:            Thanks mate.  Godbless, thanks for your time.

DL:           And you.

You can click on the following link to go to Fathering Adventures website

Dads Online would like to acknowledge Jonathan Doyle and The Men We Need for this content.

To change or not to change….. that is the question

As we know the norm has been that when children are born they take on the fathers surname.  After divorce, women sometimes  change their name back to their maiden name or if they remarry, may change their surname to their new partners surname.

If  our children are with us every second weekend, this can then lead to questions and requests around changing the child’s surname too.  Each individual situation is different and you will need to agree or not as your authorization signature is required on the Declaration to Change the Name of a Child from the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry.  I allowed my daughters name to be changed as my ex wife remarried and had another two daughters in that marriage and it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Today, looking back, I wish I had not agreed as it is another loss of connection.  So my suggestion is to consider carefully.

How is the name changed?

A child’s name can be changed if both parents and the child agree.  If the child is too young to understand, the parents can still change the name by both filling in a Declaration to Change the Name of a Child from the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry.

If one parent wants to change a child’s name but the other disagrees, the State Magistrates Court can decide. The non-consenting parent can tell the court why they think the child’s name should not be changed.  The court will make a decision based on what it believes is best for the child.  Even where the court makes an order authorizing the change of name of a child, the change must still be registered at the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry to be effective.