It is not surprising that Australia Post won the best print advertisement at the Caxton Awards in 2007. M&C Saatchi Melbourne created the advertisement rightly named “Letter Hug”. In a previous post we spoke briefly of keeping in touch in between visits by sending a card, for the purpose of this post we should call it the “Card Hug”. The cards are simply written with loving words that ensure your children know they are top of mind even when you are not there. It can be a message saying you have arranged something special for the next time they visit, or you were remembering the last weekend and how much fun you had together.
It could be even letting them know how proud you are of them and to have a great week with their mum and you will see them soon. There are lots of message ideas and anyone from 4 – 74 enjoys receiving cards. A “card hug” sent fortnightly can be a wonderful reminder and a nice habit to get into.
Let us know if you have had experience with this?
Would you leave your front and back door open whilst your kids are at home?
This video has a very clear and simple message and should be watched with you kids…
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