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Practical steps to take when separating.

practical steps to take when separating_Dads_OnlineRarely is anyone ever prepared for the end of a marriage or a long term defacto relationship. This is almost as true for the partner that initiates separation, as it is for the partner being left.

Separation and divorce create a challenging time for families and are a major step for everyone involved. It is a time when you need support, guidance and information on the legalities involved within the separation and divorce process. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you can talk to someone 24/7 – call or online chat with Mens Line 1300789978 or Lifeline 131114

Plans for your children, division of property and financial arrangements all need to be worked out.
The breakdown of your relationship launches you into previously unknown territory. The ending of a marriage and the impending divorce not only causes you a great deal of distress, you will also encounter a lot of information you are not familiar with adding to the pressure you are feeling.
As separation and divorce is an experience that causes major emotional and financial upheaval this can often make it difficult to think clearly and rationally due to the overwhelming impact of this major life event.

If you have separated, separation is inevitable, or it has been forced upon you it is important to consider the practical steps outlined in this article and work towards protecting your emotional and financial wellbeing.

There are some couples that can navigate through this minefield of emotions, financial settlements and child custody arrangements all without legal advise.  This amicable arrangement can change though when one partner re-partners or they get ill advice from non professionals, if you feel this could be you we recommend the follow strategies.

Speak with a lawyer
Whether you plan to end your marriage, have been the one to instigate the separation, or it has been initiated by your partner, you should speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. The divorce process, while seemingly straightforward, can involve a number of different complexities which, if you do not adequately protect yourself against them, can be extremely detrimental.
No matter how much you trust or want to trust your former partner it is important to understand that once a marriage ends, regardless of who instigated it, your former partner will generally step into a role focused on protecting their own interests.
Being aware of how the law applies to your situation does not necessarily mean you are embarking on the costly process of litigation. It is about being informed, irrespective of how your matter proceeds. By being informed you will find out what you should and shouldn’t be doing and avoid making costly mistakes that can affect your wellbeing for many years to come.
Even if you and your former partner are able to agree on how you will divide your property and/or the arrangements for your children it is still essential to discuss your situation with a lawyer to ensure that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities and that you are receiving the best outcome possible for you and your family.

It’s important not to take any actions or sign any agreements that can affect your rights before discussing your specific circumstances with a family lawyer.

Engaging a lawyer
One of the dilemmas many people encounter when faced with separation and divorce is finding the right lawyer. You may receive recommendations from various sources and these can be great in finding a competent lawyer; however, keep in mind, even though a particular lawyer may have been right for someone else, this does not necessarily mean their particular style or manner will suit you.
It is important to ensure you engage a lawyer who is right for you.
Not only do you need to consider their professional expertise but the personality match needs to be right as well.
When determining which lawyer is right for you, during the initial meeting consider the lawyer’s style, personality, their overview of your case and the way the lawyer treats you. Sometimes it may be necessary to interview several lawyers before you get a sense of who best suits your needs.

The rest of your life begins here, so it is important to be very sure about who is the best fit for you.

Negotiate or litigate
There are a number of different approaches to resolving family law disputes whether they involve property, children or spousal maintenance. These include:

  • Negotiation
  • Counselling
  • Mediation
  • Family dispute resolution (FDR)
  • Collaborative process
  • Litigation

During your initial meeting with your lawyer discuss the different approaches available. Ask the lawyer what their views on litigation versus these alternative methods are? If you don’t want to battle it out in court you need to ascertain what view the lawyer takes.
Also ask the lawyer what issues in your case could be difficult? (Complicated issues pertaining to business evaluations, searching for sources of income, arrangements for your children, and abuse are just some of the factors that could make a case more difficult to handle);

Living separately under the same roof
Living separately under the same roof means that you start to live separate lives from each other, but both continue to live in the marital home. As the cost of rent and other living expenses continue to rise this is becoming more common, but will usually only work if you and your former partner continue to have a good relationship with each other, even though you have acknowledged that the relationship is over. If tensions exist, however, continuing such an arrangement would prove difficult and if you have children they will undoubtedly suffer if there is conflict in the household.

As far as the Court is concerned it is not sufficient to say that you sleep in separate bedrooms. There needs to be a complete breakdown in all the usual things that couples do for each other. There also needs to be a comparison done of your lives both before and after the alleged date of the separation, to prove that a separation has in fact occurred.
The things the Court will consider in deciding whether you are separated under the one roof are whether you:

  • Have ceased sexual activity
  • Live in separate rooms
  • Operate separate bank accounts
  • Do not share meals
  • Do not provide household services
  • Do not share entertainment inside or outside the home
  • Do not represent to relatives, neighbours or friends that the marriage is continuing

If both parties contend that they have separated even though they still live under the one roof they will have to give the Court evidence of this. In some cases where there is a dispute as to the date of separation, your family and friends might also be required to give evidence comparing the pre and post separation situations.

The ending of a marriage has added complications when you have children. One of the most difficult challenges facing parents at the time of separation is deciding how they will divide responsibility for and time with their children. Parents sometimes fear that the loss of their adult relationship will also adversely impact their parent-child relationship. They are also concerned about the potential negative impact of their separation on their children’s healthy development.

When and how children are told about their parent’s separation and the way parents handle a family breakup has an enormous impact on the way children cope with their lives. It is important to consider telling your children with your former partner. If this is difficult you may find it beneficial to seek counselling, mediation or family dispute resolution for help in this regard.
The process of separation will be as painful for your children as it is for you and your former partner as they lose the continuum of the relationship between the two people they love the most in the world. For children, the process of experiencing their parents’ separation, of learning to alternate between households, and of potentially moving schools or neighbourhoods can be very challenging.

The degree of parental conflict is the major risk factor associated with children’s adjustment to separation and divorce, and the association between intense marital conflict and children’s poor adjustment has been repeatedly proven.
Take as much if not more interest in your children’s lives at this difficult time and foster a parent/child relationship between your children and their other parent.

Always be courteous to your former partner, avoid arguing or making offensive remarks in the presence of, or within earshot of your children and do not involve them in any conflicts. If parents involve their children in any of their animosity or encourage them to take sides, the children suffer.

How you manage your separation process in the short and long term and how you behave with your former partner can be an example to your children of how to cope with conflict, pain, and expressing negative emotion.
Children are very aware if their parents are in dispute, particularly when it involves them. Children want their parents to agree on arrangements that involve them and want their parents to be mutually supporting parents.
Although separation and divorce signifies that the marriage is over, it doesn’t signify that the family has completely broken apart. Even though the two parents may not be husband and wife, they will continue to be Mum and Dad to their children. Even though the responsibilities of being married are released, there are still the responsibilities of being parents that need to be accounted for.
Co-parenting is the most important aspect after separation and divorce. Both parents must try to gain a sense of stability so that their children can thrive. It is important to remember that although a relationship may be ending, the family’s responsibilities are not.
Remember – put your children’s needs first. Providing that the children are safe, they have both a need and a right to have a relationship with both parents.

Family law principles in relation to children
Children are the full responsibility of both parents until they reach 18 years of age, unless a court orders otherwise. After you separate, this does not change in any way, for example, if you decide to remarry.
The Family Law Act 1975 sets out a number of important principles in relation to children:

  • The children have the right to know and be cared for by both their parents
  • That children have a right to spend time, and communicate on a regular basis with both their parents and other people who are significant to them
  • That parents jointly share duties and responsibilities regarding their children
  • That parents should agree about the future parenting of their children
  • That children have a right to enjoy their culture
  • That where the court is asked to make decisions about children, it must regard the best interests of the child as being the paramount consideration. Section 60CC(2) provides that a child’s right to protection from physical and psychological harm now takes priority over their right to a relationship with both parents.

The Family Law Act encourages separating parents to agree on parenting arrangements without going to court. Parents can usually work out which arrangement will suit their children better than a court can, and a solution reached by agreement is likely to work better for everyone than one imposed by a court. Court proceedings in relation to children should be regarded as being the last resort.

If you can both agree on the arrangements you wish to make for your children after you separate, it will cost you less in time, money and emotional distress, and be easier on your children.

Where there is an agreement, the following options are available to you:

  • To avoid the formality of a court order, you can arrange for an informal agreement for your children’s living arrangement. Far more flexible than a court order, it doesn’t have to be in writing.
  • You can prepare a written ‘parenting plan’ for your children’s arrangements.
  • Your agreement or parenting plan can be made into consent orders by filing it with the Court.

You can also combine the certainty of consent orders with the flexibility of parenting plans to cover different aspects of the arrangements.

Property settlement
After separation, decisions need to be made about how the asset pool will be divided. This is known as a ‘property settlement’.
The asset pool includes all property such as houses, cars, shares, superannuation, liabilities, (mortgages, credit cards), financial resources, trusts and superannuation.
The first step in arriving at settlement involves identifying all of the parties’ property – no matter how or when it was acquired or in whose name it is in. The property is then valued. Often this step is quite simple but where businesses or complex financial structures are involved, it can become complicated and often requires the help of experts.

The contributions made by each party towards the assets are also assessed. These include:

  • Financial contributions
  • Contributions as a parent
  • Contributions as a homemaker

Each situation is unique in determining the contributions by each party.
Factors that are considered in the division of the asset pool are:

  • The age and health of each party
  • The physical and mental capacity of each party to obtain employment
  • Income, property and financial resources of each party
  • Whether either party has the care of a child under the age of 18 years
  • Any child support that has been paid by a party
  • A standard of living that is reasonable in all the circumstances
  • Any child support that a party may be liable to pay
  • The necessary commitments of each party that enable them to support themselves, a child or another person that the party has a duty to maintain
  • The earning capacity of each party

In determining the division of property consideration is given to the above factors and an adjustment of property may be given in favour of one of the parties to offset any imbalance. Consideration is given to the effect of any adjustment and what is fair and equitable in the circumstances.

Settling a property dispute
At all times it is important to keep in perspective the fact that your property settlement is a commercial matter and is most likely one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever need to make. It is important that you remain focused on the commercial aspects at this time. If you are finding it emotionally difficult as a result of the breakdown of your relationship, consider seeking the support from a counselling professional. By remaining focused on the commercial aspects you will be in a stronger position to make sound rational decisions.

There are three ways in which a family law property dispute can be resolved. These are:

  • The parties use methods of negotiation. When an agreement is reached the parties enter into and execute consent orders which are filed and approved by the Court
  • The parties use methods of negotiation. When an agreement is reached the parties enter into and execute a Binding Financial Agreement
  • Litigation – the matter proceeds to a hearing before a Judge or Federal Magistrate.

It is extremely important to note that the above three ways are the only ways in which a property settlement can be finalised in a legally binding manner.
Unless you have a property settlement order made by the Court, a consent order or a Binding Financial Agreement, then the issue of property settlement between you and your partner may be “still alive” and either of you can still instigate court proceedings.
It is also important to note that once twelve months has passed since your divorce has become absolute, property and spousal maintenance proceedings can only be commenced with leave of the Court, which is often difficult to obtain unless hardship for you or the children can be established and a reason for the delay is given.

Divorce is only the physical ending of a marriage and occurs when one party applies to the Court for what is called a certificate of divorce. It does not determine issues of children, maintenance and financial settlements.
Under the Family Law Act 1975, the irretrievable breakdown of marriage is the only basis on which a divorce is granted. These grounds are established by the husband and wife having lived apart for 12 months or more, and there being no reasonable likelihood of reconciliation.

It may take about 2-3 months from the time you file your application for it to be heard by the court. The hearing itself lasts only a few minutes and is usually heard by a Federal Court Magistrate. Successful applicants for a divorce under Family Law in Australia are initially granted a decree nisi. The order becomes final (decree absolute) in one month and one day from the date the divorce order (the decree nisi) is granted.

If you and your former partner have a child or children under the age of 18 years, your application for divorce must include information about the arrangements for their care, welfare and development. If you are the applicant and you have children under 18, either you and/or your lawyer must attend the court hearing. The Court will not grant a divorce unless proper arrangements have been made for the children’s care and welfare and those arrangements have to be explained to the Court.
If there are no children of either your former partner or you under 18, then it is not necessary for you to go to court. The divorce application gives you the option of not attending.

If you have been married for less than two years, counselling is required before the Court will grant a divorce.
It is advisable to obtain a divorce rather than remain separated for an indefinite period due to the legal consequences that flow from being married. Besides the fact that you cannot remarry without first obtaining a divorce, staying married affects your rights and obligations in relation to financial matters.
It is important to note that once the divorce order becomes final, a property and/or spousal application must be made to the Court within 12 months. You can apply for leave from the Court to make an out of time settlement after this period if hardship for you or the children can be established and a reason for the delay is given.
The granting of a divorce does not affect your responsibilities and obligations for children or affect your property and financial entitlement. The majority of people deal with parenting, property and financial issues first and leave the divorce until the end of the process.

Financial information
Know where you and your partner have bank accounts, life insurance policies, share certificates, all other instruments of finance — and important documents such as marriage certificate, passports, your birth certificate and those of your children.
Obtain statements and balances for bank accounts, plus copies of Wills and trusts. Print information stored on the computer or copy it onto a USB device.
The more information you have, the better.
Get up to date on the money you have and the decisions that have already been taken.
Keep copies of financial documents in a safe place such as a safety deposit box or with a close relative or trusted friend.

Bank and Loan Accounts
If there are joint bank accounts/loans/mortgages, consider changing the account withdrawal procedures so that you both have to sign as joint signatories to withdraw any funds. You might also consider limiting or cancelling any redraw facility.
If there are accounts (credit or debit) in your name that your former partner has access to (i.e. as a supplementary card holder), you may need to consider contacting your bank to limit/cancel any access by your former partner to that account.

Paying the mortgage
Keep in mind, if your name is on the mortgage, it is important to keep mortgage repayments up to date. If they are not this could have an adverse effect on your credit rating.

In negotiations and also in court determinations consideration is given to the capacity of each party to pay the mortgage.
In some circumstances the capacity to pay the mortgage may become difficult once one of the parties has moved out of the marital home. If neither party can make the mortgage repayments due to their financial circumstances it may be necessary for the marital home to be sold. The proceeds from the sale can be placed in a trust account held by either party’s lawyer or if property proceeds are likely to be held for an extended period, they are generally placed into an interest earning controlled monies account until a financial settlement is reached.

Alternatively you may agree to distribute the proceeds. This will be characterised as a partial property settlement and will still be included when the division of marital property is calculated. It is essential to seek legal advice and formalise the distribution of such proceeds by way of consent orders.
It is in your best interests to consult with your lawyer if there are any issues with regards to mortgage repayments.
When you separate you must carefully consider the arrangements that are in place. Either way, whatever you decide is a risk and the expert advice of your lawyer on this matter will be highly beneficial.

Outstanding bills and obligations
Even though you are in the process of separation and divorce, the creditors to whom you and your former partner are indebted, still have a right of recourse against you both. Additionally, if you and your former partner are jointly obligated on an account, slow payment or non-payment can adversely affect your credit rating. Not only that, but you also can be sued by creditors in certain circumstances. Therefore it is important to keep careful track of your outstanding bills and obligations.

Consider whose name the utilities are under
It is important to be clear about whose name all the utilities are held in. If it is not you and you remain living in the marital home, contact each utility company and have each account transferred into your name. This will help prevent an angry former partner from cancelling the services on you.

If these accounts are in your name and you no longer live in the marital home, give notice in writing to your former partner that you will be removing yourself from these accounts by a set date and that they need to contact the relevant utility companies to have the accounts transferred into their name. You might have reasonable expectations that your former partner will pay for these expenses for the property they are living in, but if they do not pay then this could affect your credit rating.
If utilities are in both your names, the above approach should also be adopted.

Your Will and insurance policies
One of the first priorities immediately upon separation is to update or prepare your Will and revoke any Power of Attorney your former partner may have. Any existing Will is likely to list your former partner as a beneficiary and possibly also give them control as an executor. Even if you are divorced your former partner can make a claim if they were dependant on you. Therefore it is essential to update your Will.
Make sure you give a copy of your updated Will to a close relative or trusted friend.
Get detailed information on every insurance policy you own, jointly or individually. Get the name and phone number of your insurance broker. If the beneficiary of your life insurance is your former partner you will need to update your nomination.

Your superannuation
Getting superannuation sorted after your relationship ends is an important step in planning for your future. Super is treated as a type of property in your financial settlement and can be divided by agreement or by court order.
If your former partner is the beneficiary of your super fund, this will need to be updated. In addition to the superannuation entitlement there may also be life insurance benefits that need attention.

Private health insurance and Medicare
Contact your nearest Medicare office and advise them of your changed family circumstances and request your own card, as this can contribute to protecting your privacy in relation to any medical treatments you may need. If you have children under the age of 18 your children can appear both on your card as well as your former partner’s.
It is important that you make sure you have health insurance in place. Consider who the primary holder of your private health insurance policy is. If it is not you, then potentially your former partner could remove you from that policy without notice to you. Not only could that lead to obvious problems of not having essential private health insurance, but it could then result in you receiving a loading on any future health insurance you take out as a result of the government’s incentive scheme for remaining covered by health insurance.

Contact your private health care fund, (1) to ensure you are still covered, and (2) to inform them of the situation and put in a formal request that you wish to be notified of any future changes to the policy.
It is important to note however, the health insurer may not consider family cover continues to cover a separated spouse who is not the primary holder of the insurance.

Private and confidential mail
It is important to protect your privacy, particularly when it comes to correspondence in relation to your divorce. There will be sensitive information being sent to you from your lawyer and possibly other divorce experts that should be for your eyes only.
Have your mail re-directed to either a close family member or trusted friend. If necessary rent a post office box. This is recommended regardless of whether your former partner and you remain living together or not. That way if there are any problems with your former partner they will not have access to your mail.
Set up a new e-mail address. Change the password on any computer you use that has sensitive information relating to your matters saved on it.

Keep everything in writing
It is essential to keep all correspondence and notes in relation to your divorce particularly if you have children. That includes all e-mails — no matter how trivial you think the subject is.
Make sure any requests and agreements between yourself and your former partner are in writing so they can be referred to if needed at some point in the future. E-mailing is fine; just make sure you keep saved copies. In circumstances where you and your former partner agree on certain matters verbally, ensure that you follow up what was agreed in writing.
By retaining a written record, there can be no dispute as to what has been agreed between you both. Even after your matter is finalised, follow this rule when communicating with your former partner and you will not be caught out.

Be careful when using electronic media
In this age of electronic media be cautious of any information or comments you post on Facebook, Twitter, text messages and e-mails. Once these comments are floating in cyber-space they may fall into the wrong hands.
Electronic communications are best used for passing on information. Be factual, not emotional. It is essential not to vent, make critical remarks or complain as these can be altered, kept, reviewed, printed and forwarded to other people. Be mindful that such communications are more permanent than verbal discussions.
Do not write e-mails, texts or post any comments on Facebook or Twitter when you are upset, angry or have consumed mood altering substances. It is prudent to save any messages before sending them, leaving them for a few hours or perhaps sleep on what you have written and then reread before sending the message.
If your matter was to go to trial these comments could potentially be used as evidence against you.

If you receive hostile electronic communications you do not have to reply with the same emotional approach, or use the same medium. If you wish to respond remember, to stick with the facts.

Child support payments
Parents have a primary duty to provide financial support for their children until they reach the age of 18 years. How much should be paid depends on the financial circumstances of each parent, the level of care each parent provides for the children, the ages of the children and whether either parent supports other biological children.
The Department of Human Services works out the amount of the child support by using a formula based on:

  • The cost of caring for children (based on Australian research)
  • The income of both parents
  • Who cares for the child/children
  • Whether the parents have any other dependent children living with them
  • Whether the parents have any other children for whom they must pay child support

A ‘Costs of Children’ table has been created using Australian research, which also adjusts for the number and ages of the children.
The costs of the children are shared by both parents. The CSA works out these costs by combining both parents income with a ‘self-support’ amount deducted from their income before the calculations are made. The self-support amount for 2012 is $21,622.
The parent with the higher income is responsible for providing the greater share of the children’s costs. (If you have other children of your own living with you it is important to let the CSA know as your income used to calculate your child support responsibilities may be reduced and you may pay less child support).
The amount of care each parent provides for the children is also taken into account and can be recognised as meeting some or all of the costs of the children.

Spousal maintenance
The definition of spousal maintenance is money paid by one spouse to another for their financial support following separation and/or divorce. It does not include payments for dependent children.
Spousal maintenance can be paid by agreement between the spouses or by order of the Court.
Generally the Family Court expects both parties to make reasonable efforts to get paid work if they can. However, the Family Court accepts the need for a party to care for children, especially those not yet at school and often allows a spouse who has not been in employment to receive spousal maintenance while they find work or re-train.
Maintenance is not automatic. In deciding a maintenance application, a court considers the needs of an applicant and the respondent’s capacity to pay.

Normally spousal maintenance claims are dealt with at the time of property settlement. A party can however make a spousal maintenance application on an urgent, interim or final basis separately from a property settlement application.

Notify organisations interested in separation
Consider notifying the following organisations of your separation: schools, sporting clubs, banks, places of employment, real estate agent’s, council and utilities providers and service providers.

Look after your health care needs
Make appointments for medical check-ups, have dental work done and have your glasses updated. You don’t want to run into any new physical problems while you’re in the throes of separating.
If you are having difficulty coping avoid self-medicating with tobacco, alcohol or other drugs. Seek help from a counselling professional or doctor.

Consider counselling for both yourself and your children
Although all children may react with feelings of anger, resentment, anxiety and mild depression for a couple of days, you should seek professional help if your child exhibits the following symptoms for over a few months:

  • Sleep problems
  • Poor concentration
  • Self-injury
  • Poor school performance
  • Withdrawal and avoidance of enjoyable activities

Often it is a good idea for your children to have someone impartial they can express their feelings to without fear of judgement or criticism, even if they do not exhibit signs of distress.
With regard to yourself, it is often very helpful to seek the guidance of a counselling professional to help you with your emotional needs. A counselling professional will provide you with support and constructive ways to manage and deal with the many difficult emotions you experience.

Keep communication lines open with your former partner
Going through separation and divorce is a traumatic experience and emotions tend to get heated — leading to a breakdown in communication. Often separating couples rely on old communication habits to try and resolve important issues arising from the separation — the same habits that probably contributed to the breakdown of the relationship.
It’s definitely not easy communicating with your former partner under these circumstances and at times it will take supreme effort, but consider it is a benefit you are providing to your children.

This is often a time of enormous frustration as both of you remain co-dependent on each other in various degrees as you each require different things from each other. Neither of you can move on entirely independently of each other until settlement is reached.
Remain calm during all discussions with your former partner and aim to be amicable and civil wherever possible.
If communication does get heated, do not continue. There will not be a successful outcome whilst emotions run high and to continue in this vain is pointless. Walk away or hang up the phone if necessary. This will also protect you from any domestic violence or your partner bringing a domestic violence order against you.
Keeping communication civilised can help you both to deal with the big issues about children and property more easily and contribute towards your matter being finalised sooner.

Support and guidance is essential
Overwhelming emotions can reduce your capacity to think clearly and impair your judgment. Trying to make rational decisions can be difficult or sometimes near impossible. It is hard to know which way to turn or what actions need to be taken to protect your emotional and financial well-being.
Do not feel you need to go through this alone. Family and friends are an invaluable source of support at this time. However, it is important to keep in mind that every divorce has its own unique set of circumstances and difficulties. You will often hear well meaning, yet conflicting advice from those close to you as to what you are supposed to do and how you are supposed to proceed, or be told what they believe you want to hear rather than what you really need to hear. All this adding to the confusion you are already feeling.
It is essential to receive direction, support and guidance from a team of professionals who can remain impartial, who take a no nonsense approach working alongside you as you deal with the many aspects of this major life adjustment, yet at the same time have empathy for your situation and have complete understanding as to what you are going through.

(Extract from “The Divorce Navigator: A Practical Guide to Divorce”) RICHELLE HAMPTON

For further details contact:
Richelle Hampton

Getting, changing or updating your Will

changing or updating your willCircumstances can change. We can’t assume the present needs of our children will be their future needs, you may not own the same assets in one year that you own in another, you might remarry, separate, divorce or anything.

There are lots of reasons for changing or updating your will e.g:

  • you start a new business
  • you get remarried or start a de facto relationship
  • you get divorced
  • you separate from your wife/partner
  • your children grow up
  • your assets increase substantially
  • you join or leave a superannuation scheme
  • you dispose of assets mentioned in the will
  • a beneficiary or executor dies, etc.

And, although it sounds like a drag, you should check your will at least every three years.  Lock it in with the annual dentist appointment that many of us never get to 🙂

How can I change my will? (special offer below)

There are two ways to change your will:

  1. Make a codicil to your current will.  A codicil is a legal addition to the will.  There are special rules about codicils, so it’s a good idea to get a solicitor to do this.  A codicil must be signed and witnessed in the same way that the will is.  The solicitor will sometime tell you that it is better to make a whole new will, especially if there are major changes.
  2. If you make a new will. This automatically cancels any earlier wills.

Your will is cancelled if:

  1. You marry or remarry.  The only exceptions to this are if you make your will in contemplation of the marriage.  There are different rules about this, depending on whether the will was made before or after November 1989 (when the law changed), but the best advice is to always state explicitly that the will is in contemplation of marriage – this sort of will should always be handled by a lawyer.
  2. You destroy the original with the intention of revoking it.  If the will is destroyed by accident you will need a new will.
  3. You include a “revocation clause” in a later will, i.e. you write in the later will that the earlier will is to be cancelled.
  4. You make a valid new will. This automatically cancels an old will when the terms of the later will contradict the previous one.

What about if I get divorce?

Divorce does not automatically cancel a will.  If you want to change your will when you divorce, you will have to make a new will. Nevertheless, divorce revokes any gift that is made to a former spouse and the appointment of the spouse as executor, trustee or guardian.

These gifts and directions will not fail if the court is satisfied the will-maker intended them to stand despite the divorce.  It is always best to make a new will after a divorce to avoid any doubt about your real intentions.

**A special offer to get your Will finalised**

Ben Hall from Hall Solicitors has offered a special deal to all Dads Online friends. Your Will can be drafted for $165 (normal commercial rates are $500) by just sending Ben a email and mention this post:

Ben says:  During the ridiculous levels of stress that always come with separation, it’s easy to forget your will (if you have one – which you should).  Divorce changes your legal situation, as does getting together with someone new, so make sure you review this situation from time to time.

He also says, another issue you should think about is whether or not having an Enduring Power of Attorney would be helpful. This is a powerful document that lets somebody you trust implicitly manage your legal, financial, personal and health affairs on your behalf, if you are unable to do so. This is particularly relevant for elderly Australians however everybody should have an EPOA in place.

To change or not to change….. that is the question

As we know the norm has been that when children are born they take on the fathers surname.  After divorce, women sometimes  change their name back to their maiden name or if they remarry, may change their surname to their new partners surname.

If  our children are with us every second weekend, this can then lead to questions and requests around changing the child’s surname too.  Each individual situation is different and you will need to agree or not as your authorization signature is required on the Declaration to Change the Name of a Child from the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry.  I allowed my daughters name to be changed as my ex wife remarried and had another two daughters in that marriage and it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Today, looking back, I wish I had not agreed as it is another loss of connection.  So my suggestion is to consider carefully.

How is the name changed?

A child’s name can be changed if both parents and the child agree.  If the child is too young to understand, the parents can still change the name by both filling in a Declaration to Change the Name of a Child from the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry.

If one parent wants to change a child’s name but the other disagrees, the State Magistrates Court can decide. The non-consenting parent can tell the court why they think the child’s name should not be changed.  The court will make a decision based on what it believes is best for the child.  Even where the court makes an order authorizing the change of name of a child, the change must still be registered at the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry to be effective.

Black Dog Blues – a story from a friend

Black Dog Blue

By Bernard Keogh

Over the last few weeks, at least five of my Facebook friends have admitted to entertaining the dread mongrel. He can eat your life if you let him.

My dad suffered terribly from this and I’ve been bitten myself.  I even traveled to Ireland to find out why, and I have spoken to several professionals about both his depression and my own. It was the chemical aspects that I didn’t understand. The pain was obvious.

Our bodies, since the days of the cave man… produce fight and flight chemicals, (ironically, the ‘alone’ chemicals, adrenaline, cortisol, nandrolone and others). These chemicals are burned off when we fight or take flight.  They are also toxic, cumulative and can affect the nervous system in a very bad way. But today, with all the stresses of modern life, the thing we DON’T do is take flight, or fight.  So these chemicals remain in our systems and slowly burn out the nerve endings and damage our entire nervous system. The early effects are skin problems, dry skin, dull spots, nervous tics and later things like shingles can develop as well. And shingles can be very dangerous, especially to the optic nerve. (So stop it, you could go blind!)

A big factor in recovery from depression is to eliminate those chemicals. We dont eat well when depressed and tend to sit around staring into space, watching that fag burn to a 2 inch ash coz you haven’t moved.. and you’re on your 15th cup of coffee for the day. And you don’t do the stuff you used to like… the music dies, literally, we don’t engage with others, we don’t talk about it coz it seems so bloody pathetic. The mongrel wins and eats well. And he doesn’t need sleep, he just needs you in his grip. Your GP gives you pills, but they turned me into a zombie, even at sub-clinical doses. Your Gp doesn’t know depression from a common cold.

One really good way to beat him is to get really physical. For me, I grabbed a shovel and shifted 30 tons of earth by hand and wheelbarrow. Worked till I was so tired I had to sleep well. Burned off those bloody chemicals. Lost weight, gained muscles. Found my way to the horses. Long story that bit, but the getting physical part was the start.  Eventually the music came back, and I started giving cheek to all and sundry again. Found new friends and eliminated the toxic characters in my life, ex included!
And I talked about it… to a professional.

She told me that depression was not an illness of the dull.  If you have any sensitivity and intelligence about you, it’s likely that you’ll get depression at some stage of your life. So take heart in that. You feel because you’re alive and intelligent. Depression is about our inability to handle things that hurt, beyond our control. The modern equivalent of the sabre toothed tiger is stress.  And in today’s world, the stresses easily get beyond our control. Give up the coffee, take up the shovel.

I’ll never hang up my shovel. Depression aftermath requires constant vigilance, and I do slip back from time to time. But those simple things have saved my life.

NOTE: If you feel you need help and someone to talk to, Contact:

Lifeline or chat to them Online
For 24/7 crisis support call Lifeline 13 11 14


Republished story from Dads Online Facebook page written by Bernard Keogh.

Dads tribute tattoo’s

There are so many reasons dads get tattoos, and probably the single biggest reason is to mark the birth of our children or as a tribute to them.  If you’re considering a tattoo, have you thought about what design? Here are some tips to help you make the right choice.

Don’t just clone what you see on TV or what some movie star or football player has on their arm, it’s you that is going to wear the design.  Do plenty of research before deciding what to get i.e. what style and how it relates to the reason.  Then go looking for the best artist for that style who will make it fit and translate it.

This really is the first step in the process of getting a tattoo.  It is also probably the hardest step. When you are choosing your tattoo design, you should take a few things into consideration.  The location on your body, the size, the style and colouring, and the meaning. Then think carefully about the location? If you are planning to have your first tattoo placed in a very visible place on your body (like fore-arms, calves, ankles, neck, etc.) you may want to consider, would it be appropriate for your work etc?

The experts say – It’s an idea to keep it clean and classic.  Don’t put too much detail in a small area, or mix genres i.e. dragons with roses and someones name on top of it.  You want it to represent love, beauty and commitment not a mess of different messages.

Then go searching for a good artist that can make it all happen.

What designs are dads getting? Check out these 20 cool dad tattoos here and for celebrity tribute tattoos –  see some of those tattoos here


People who say they slept like a baby, usually dont have one!

Dad sleeping peacefullyMost dads need about 8½ to more than 9 hours of sleep each night.  But about 1 in 4 dads has trouble sleeping.  Lack of sleep can affect everything from our emotions to how well we focus on juggling all the things we need to do as a parent.  It can affect our mood and increase our chances of getting sick.

How do we get to sleep?  Here are a few ideas:

  1. Be active during the day. You’ve probably noticed how much running around our kids do — and how soundly they sleep. Let’s take a tip from them and try to get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day.  Physical activity can decrease stress and help people feel more relaxed.  Just don’t work out too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up before it slows you down.
  2. Avoid alcohol. Lots of people think that alcohol will make them relaxed and drowsy, but that’s not the case.  Drugs and alcohol disrupt sleep, increasing a person’s chance of waking up in the middle of the night.
  3. Say goodnight to electronics. Experts recommend using the bedroom for sleep only.  If you can’t make your bedroom a tech-free zone, at least shut everything down an hour or more before lights out.  Nothing wakes us up quicker than a buzz or a ping of your mobile phone.
  4. Keep a sleep routine. Going to bed at the same time every night helps the body expect sleep. Creating a set bedtime routine can enhance this relaxation effect.  So unwind every night by reading, listening to music, playing Sudoku, or doing anything else that relaxes you.
  5. Expect a good night’s sleep. Stress can trigger insomnia,  so the more you think about not sleeping, the greater the risk you’ll lie awake staring at the ceiling.  Instead of worrying that you won’t sleep, remind yourself that you can.  Say, “Tonight, I will sleep well” several times during the day.  It can also help to practice breathing exercises or gentle stretches before bed.
  6. Be talked into sleep through guided meditation. This is a powerful method of finding sleep. Simply find a guided meditation track that you like and listen to it when your ready for sleep.  We spoke recently on this topic here.

Five quick easy ways to regain your calm

feeling calm when overwhelmed“Sometimes I don’t realize how much stress is building up until I suddenly feel overwhelmed.  Other times, several stressful or attention-demanding events will happen at once, and I suddenly go from calm to completely overwhelmed really quickly.  However it happens, It’s a good idea to know how to  quickly calm down when feeling overwhelmed by stress?”

There are many ways to calm down quickly when you suddenly get blindsided by stress and feel overwhelmed. The following are five quick and easy ways to regain your calm so you can deal with whatever situations are at hand:

Take a Walk

Exercise can be a great stress reliever in itself, as it helps you blow off steam and releases endorphins. Taking a walk when stressed can bring you the benefits of exercise–both short-term and long-term, and it provides the bonus of getting you out of the stressful situation. This can provide you with some perspective so you can return in a new frame of mind. Walking with a good friend can be a nice way to find social support, and walking alone can provide you with some time to think, reframe, and return with a more optimistic frame of mind.

Take a Breath

If you’re not in a position to leave, you can feel better right away by practicing breathing exercises. Getting more oxygen into your body and releasing physical tension are two ways that breathing exercises can benefit you, and you can do them anytime or anywhere, even if your demanding situation isn’t letting up.

Take a Mental Break

If you can steal away a few minutes of peace, visualizations and guided meditation bare a wonderful way to restore peace of mind. They’re easy to do, and can relax you physically as well as mentally. With practice, you can easily access your “happy place” and quickly feel more calm when stressed.

Reframe Your Situation

Sometimes we intensify our experience of stressful situations by the way we look at them. If you can look at your situation differently, you may be able to put it into a different perspective–one that causes you less stress! Read more about mental and emotional stress that can be caused by pessimism, type A traits, and other self-sabotaging thought patterns, and learn how you can change the way you look at things. It’ll come in handy when you’re stressed. (Learn more about mental stress and self sabotage here.)

Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a technique where you tense and release all of your muscle groups, leaving your body feel more relaxed afterward. PMR is one of my favorite techniques, as it can be done by just about anyone, and with practice you can fully release virtually all the tension you’re feeling in your body in a matter of seconds! This can help you feel more calm and better able to handle the situations at hand. (Learn how to practice PMR here.)

Once you’ve been able to calm down, you should be in a better position to address whatever stressful situations you’re expriencing. It’s also a good idea to adopt a few regular stress relievers and healthy lifestyle habits so that you can reduce your overall stress level so that you experience less stress and are less bothered by the stressful situations you do encounter.

A simple way for dads to relax

a simple way for dads to relaxIn our busy world, meditation is becoming more and more popular as dads search for ways to relax, de-stress and enhance their quality of life.

I found years ago that guided meditation had positive benefits , particularly when I was looking for ways to relax.

I remember when I first tried a CD, I had my earphones in and fell asleep before it got to the end of the session (worked well).  I woke-up during the night forgetting that I had earphone’s in and felt the cord brush past my check and thought it was a spider and jumped to the ceiling scrambling to get it off me 🙂 it was hilarious!

You don’t have to do anything but sit or lay and listen!

Meditation is an incredibly enjoyable, healthy and inspiring way to achieve inner peace, and guided meditations are, quite simply, the easiest way to meditate.

Traditional unguided meditation techniques, while wonderful in their own way, do require some effort on your part. It’s your job to keep your mind focused and as clear as possible. But with guided meditation, you are guided into a state of meditation by spoken word guidance. Your guide will literally walk you through the process step by step.

Can you think of anything more effortless and relaxing than listening to tranquil music while you are guided into a state of deep meditation?

Guided meditation is not only easy, it is also a very powerful tool for personal development and a simple way for dads to relax.

Meditation plus visualization:
The awesome power behind guided meditations

Where guided meditations get really interesting is in the way that they utilize the power of your imagination and the power of visualization to effect positive personal changes. This is one of the main benefits of guided meditation, and in this regard, guided meditations are even more powerful than traditional, passive meditation.

Visualization, or creative visualization as it is sometimes referred to, is the use of mental imagery to effect positive changes in your life. Visualization techniques are now widely employed in many fields such as the arts, sports, business, alternative medicine, religious practices, psychotherapy and self-improvement.

As Denis Waitley, coach to both Olympic champions and Apollo astronauts once said:

“The mind cannot tell the difference between an actual,‘real-life’ event and a vividly imagined one.”

Guided meditations help you to vividly imagine positive experiences that represent, either directly or symbolically, whatever changes you wish to express in your life.

During a guided meditation you are in such a deep state of relaxation that the imagery you are guided to visualize becomes very vivid indeed. Immersing yourself in a guided meditation while listening to positive suggestions is a blissful experience that results in real and immediate benefits. You’ll feel better; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Of course, different people have different goals and needs, and with that in mind, guided meditations can be tailored to achieve specific outcomes such as:

  • Improving clarity in life
  • Spiritual development
  • Experiencing elation, freedom and expanded awareness
  • Emotional and physical healing
  • Enhancing creativity
  • Profoundly deep relaxation
  • Increasing confidence and personal empowerment
  • Opening the heart and healing relationships
  • Curing negativity or self defeating behaviors
  • Improving performance in business or sports
  • Resolving psychological difficulties

A well crafted guided meditation often includes positive suggestions and positive visualizations that cause you to have an inner experience of the changes you are seeking to realize in your outer life.

Why is this so important? Let’s allow The Buddha to answer that question for us:

“The mind is everything.  What you think you become.”

Guided meditations help you to achieve a state of deep inner stillness, so that your mind can be cleared of clutter and unwanted thoughts, and then filled with vivid visualization experiences that effect positive personal changes.

Particularly well crafted guided meditations may also make use of symbolic imagery, so as to connect with the deeper, more abstract levels of your mind in an effort to encourage profound healing and personal development breakthroughs.

There so many different guided meditations downloads that you can easily obtain from online. You can download guided mediation on

  • Relaxation
  • Sleep
  • Inner peace
  • Self confidence
  • Stop smoking
  • Learning to trust
  • Calmness
  • Improved sense of positivity
  • Elimination of anxiety
  • And many more

Click here to listen to some demo’s and see what might work for you? There is some free guided meditation around you just need to Google it and apply some trial and error to find the type that works for you.

Daily routines reduce stress

Daily routinesRoutines today play a huge part in our family, because our kids really don’t have any control over their day to day life, it can give them an opportunity to feel like they belong in the running of the household and provides a sense of order, control and predictability.

Routines have provided good habits  with structure around meals, sleep times and morning rituals. I am sure that even though my children don’t know it’s happening, they would be appreciative that they have this structure during key times of the day.

I started these routines the minute I move to a single parent life and it has continued on now for a few years.

Some of the positive take out have been:

  • Same time every morning and night when brushing teeth reduces push back from them in actually doing it.
  • Baths and showers before bedtime signifying the end of the day and they can hop into bed feeling clean and calm.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner always at the approximate same time, has reduced craving and grumpiness.
  • When it was housing cleaning time, it taught life skills, never always easy but I can say we have progressed from tidying up rooms to vacuuming and mopping floors  🙂
  • Enabled me to have some order around daily activities even whilst everything else may have been out of control.
  • It ensured that the important things got done.
  • We can then go on auto pilot and conserve energy and brain power.
  • It’s provided security and a sense of control.
  • It saves scrambling and allows us to focus on things.
  • Kids don’t cope with change very well and it has provided predictability.
  • Daily routines reduce stress in our lives

Routines have created a positive effect on my life.

OMG without a routine, getting ready in the morning would have been a nightmare.  I can say that our home is happier in the morning and pretty smooth sailing because of it.

For example:


Getting up and going can be hard whether young or old. If you find it hard getting started in the morning, having a solid routine established from first up in the morning means a much easier flow to the day.

I maintain the same alarm time to get up every morning and it means all the difference between having a good morning and having a bad one. I account for an extra 30 minutes for the potential of a hair hissy, sleepy kids or slow eaters.  It makes all the difference because we are not worried about those roadblocks that chew up time. Because my kids are in school it takes all the stress out. For example my daughter will  come out and say I cant do my hair correctly this morning? I say “Oh really, keep trying you’ll get it” with no stress. If I didn’t have the 30 minute buffer I could be saying “hurry up, we need to get moving” then all hell would break loose J

With getting up, having breakfast, getting dressed and brushing teeth and doing hair, there is really only one way for me to start the day off with practically no stress.


Mealtime also has been a good activity to establish good habits for us. We always have a good breakfast, maybe I am lucky but there has never been an option not to eat at breakfast time and I usually serve up, cereal, toast, fruit and a glass of milk or water (whatever they feel like). Yes it’s a lot and they usually only eat half of everything put in front of them. They go off to school knowing that they are well fed, I read once that it stops junk food cravings and grumpiness as lack of food brings all that on. This study also mentions how the lack of food reduces concentration, I think we get that!

Mealtime has also been a time that we sit together and just eat and talk about the day. We are not perfect, there are definitely times that we eat while watching some TV, just depends how the evening has gone but generally it’s always around the same time and homework or reading has been done.


I found as the kids get older, it’s harder to get them to bed. For some reason they believe they are going to miss on ..who know what? I reckon too it is that they have much more fun running around than laying down to head off to sleep.

Sticking to a rigid sleep ritual has been a god send, well rested children are more pleasurable to be around. Next to eating, this would be No.2 priority. It reduces the amount of whinging and irritability that takes place and are much easy to reason with.

My kids routine starts with either having a quick shower, brushing teeth, going to the toilet and a story.  At the moment  I read a page, then they read a page and about 20 minutes into it they are tiring and its light out.

If I try and get them to bed even 15 minutes earlier than normal, they will fight sleep the whole way, so I found timing is everything. Sometimes if they are restless, I let them listen to some soft music with lights out and I come back in 10 minutes and they are usually off with the fairies.


On weekends, my kids know that there will be sporting activities somewhere such as walking, bike riding or now and then doing something interesting like: indoor rock-climbing. It takes a little coaxing sometimes but when we get to it they are happy with the outcome. I balance it with down time so when we get back they simply lounge around and rest with normally a DVD.

They have come to expect it and it has also put a routine on me for planning such activities for the weekend.  Sometimes I feel we are the best tourist in our own cities.

It’s not a commando routine and that every minute of the day is structured – far from it! Rules got broken, flexibility has also been important when deciding what needs to be done and when?

I really can’t promote routines enough, it has been my saving grace and I am sure it has given me less stress than if I had no routine.


A Father’s Love is One of the Greatest Influences on Personality Development

A fathers loveFather’s Day is fast approaching. Few more days to go and we will be celebrating this day with overwhelming gratitude for our dads.

In a half-century study involving over 10,000 people from around the world, researchers from the University of Connecticut found that a fatherly love contributes as much, and sometimes more, to a child’s personality and development, as that of a motherly child.

Parental acceptance and why it’s so important

The researchers looked at 36 studies from various nations about how parental rejection affects a child’s personality and its development until adulthood. The studies were based on surveys that aimed to measure the parent’s degree of rejection or acceptance of their children. Rohner and Abdul Khaleque, study authors, found that children who have experienced parental rejection tend to become more anxious and insecure, and sometimes more aggressive and hostile towards other people as they grow up. This makes it more difficult for them to stay away from the cycle and become better parents. These adults are also less likely to form a secured and trusting relationship with their partners.

The feeling or rejection or acceptance is crucial to one’s personality development. According to Rohner, there’s emerging scientific evidence that reveals that there are parts of the brain that are activated when people experience physical pain and these regions are also activated when a person feels rejected. But the good thing is – people can revive this emotional pain over and over again, he pointed out.

Fatherly Love vs. Motherly Love

The researchers also studied the degree of impact of a father’s rejection or acceptance as compared to that of the mother’s.  Based on their analysis of the 36 studies, Rohner and Khaleque found that the influence of a father is oftentimes much greater as compared to the influence of the mother.  A group of experts working on the International Father Acceptance Rejection Project has one explanation for this. According to them, children and young adults tend to pay more attention to the parent which is perceived to be having a higher authority.  So if the child perceives his father to be of a higher authority, that child’s behaviour is more likely to be influenced by his dad.  More scientific investigations are needed to support this claim though.

An important realisation from this research, as explained by Rohner is this: fatherly love is critical to a person’s development. Knowing this would help motivate men to become more involved in rearing their children.  Furthermore, these findings will reduce the society’s ‘mother blaming’ attitude which is most observed in schools and clinical environments as more people realise that daddies, do have a major role to play too in developing a child’s personality.

Their findings were published in the Journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.


Source of this article:

A Father’s Love is One of the Greatest Influences on Personality Development, Society for Personality and Social Psychology

It’s bloody hard making new friends

It's bloody hard making new friends

I’m sure you would all agree of the importance of having friends – they provide a good support system and are generally key to having a social life.

It’s bloody hard making new friends as we get older, throw in loosing some along the way, people are settled with their existing friendship groups, we are busy, we don’t feel like going out because we are dealing with some grief, our availability is every second weekend, we could be working longer hours and have less money.

Although I saw the value in friendships, I found the lack of money one of biggest roadblock in finding new friends as I believed it costs money to be social.  The end of the week would arrive and I needed to watch my money.  I didn’t have any single dad friends,  the people I knew were either single or in a relationship.  Both of theses groups had more money and didn’t need to worry about budgeting, it felt like they could live life a little easier, and in some ways they could.

If someone asked me out I had to sometimes say “sorry I already have plans” to save the embarrassment of letting them know that I was financially challenged, however sometimes I just didn’t feel like I would be fun to be around.  So I could end up spending a lot of time on my own.  I would occupy myself by going for walks, bike ride, hanging out and reading the weekend papers in the local cafe, an afternoon movie, run, or just be at home watching TV.  I’m sure this is common amongst other men who are separated!

It was just easier to say I had things on! This worked at least once a fortnight as then I had my children every other weekend.  So my availability would come around infrequently and possibly i would go out every 5-6 weeks.  Not a lot of time to work on friendships.

This can impact in many ways:

  1. It reduces the fun times in your life
  2. You laugh less
  3. Prevents the development of new friendships
  4. Reduced availability to talk and chat
  5. People start to call less often
  6. Difficulty in planning ahead
  7. Becomes the norm instead of a one time event
  8. You do a lot of reflecting
  9. Become introverted
  10. It can make you miserable
  11. There is little distraction from loneliness

If you’re finding it tough, don’t despair, below are a few ideas to implement and help you cheer up!

  • Be kind to yourself:  Exercise regularly. It’s healthy and cleanses your mind.  Exercise and other healthy activities will take away the loneliness, releases endorphins and make you feel better about yourself. Being healthy will not only improve your internal disposition, but it will improve your fitness level.  Go outside, take a walk or just enjoy the sun and fresh air for a few minutes everyday.
  • Find a hobby:  It can be listening to music, reading literature, or even brushing up on your computer skills. Talents are also things that social networks can be built around.  Join a club or guild devoted to what you are interested in or good at.
  • Be your own best friend: Be good to yourself and treat yourself with a lot of respect and kindness.  It’s easy to be negative towards yourself when you have no one around you.  However, it’s very important that you don’t develop overly negative feelings towards yourself, creating low self esteem.  That said, no one likes an egomaniac, so be sure to keep your feelings in check.
  • See the advantages of having no friends: It’s a mistake to think having no friends isn’t normal just because thats what society tells you.  Stop believing society.  Having friends can get you to grow dependent of others, which can be considered a weakness.  A strong mind can save itself and you’re now able to have one. Realize that you’re among the stronger ones if you can make it through life without friends all the time.
  • Write letters:  Write to your relatives (even your kids) or you can find a pen pal.  Writing a letter to someone will help you get through tough times and stay in touch with the positive in your life.  Treat them as you would wish to be treated and you’ll find yourself coming a long way.
  • Try To Develop Friendships. Spend time around people doing things you enjoy:  If you’ve taken up a sport or hobby, go to club events, sporting meet-ups and competitions.  Engage with people at these events to make connections.  Take it slowly if you’re hesitant, but allow yourself to connect and potentially click with people who like the same things that you do.
  • Go online and look for like-minded people:  Even if you don’t find friends in real life in any hurry, you can find many people online who share your thoughts, ideas and dreams about many things. You can develop very close and take things at your own pace with the ability to withdraw whenever you need to.  Online friendships are not as intimate as those in real life and usually won’t solve loneliness completely, but are nonetheless a good way to feel connected and pass time.
  • Volunteer:  Doing things that benefit your neighbourhood like community service projects are a great way to meet people. Helping the less fortunate also allows you to step out of yourself and put things into perspective.  Being part of something bigger than your self is good for the soul. Check out GoVolunteer
  • Try to make friends with an animal: You can go to your local animal shelter and buy a dog or cat. Often, pets can act as a nexus of socialisation.  Having a pet gives you an excuse to get outside and talk to other pet owners that you meet on the streets or in the park.
  • Take a chance:  Socialising can be extremely difficult, and even the most social butterfly will find themselves in awkward situations regularly.  To properly socialise, you must be willing to go out on a limb and take a risk.  If you talk to the popular crowd at their table and they insult you, walk away and praise yourself for stepping into that lion’s den.  If you ask someone out and get rejected, praise yourself for having the bravery to admit your feelings.
  • Develop a Positive Outlook:  Look on the bright side of life. It might be hard at first, but there’s always good around you. It’s easy to see all the bad things in the world, and to always be negative.  Be thankful for something in the moment like the sunshine or your health.
  • Stop hating:  If you are anti-this or anti-that, figure out why you’re so against it. If you explore things that you are against, you might find good in them – and if not, you will know your enemy better. Someone who is full of hatred, but cannot say why is often viewed as irrational and unpleasant by the people around them.
  • Explore whether or not you may have a deeper problem:  Excessively negative feelings might be the result of an earlier trauma. An inability to socialise properly might indicate an inherent emotional imbalance or a form of depression.  Remember your doctor or a psychologist in your area are always great people to talk too.

I would like to acknowledge and thank all the authors that contributed to these tips at Wikihow.

A Banana Smoothie Idea

A banana smoothie ideaA smoothie that the kids will love, you can be creative by purchasing some decorative glasses and making it look like a smoothie you would get from a resort. Kids always appreciate the effort.
A deliciously healthy way to start the day, this smoothie is full of bananas, honey, with just a hint of cinnamon that makes it more-ish. It’s breakfast in a glass and a great way to have a meal on the run or an after school snack.








Serves 2

  • 1 Banana – best if they are ripe
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 2 scoops of ice-cream
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 2 decorative glasses
  • straws

Go crazy and blend it all together and enjoy!