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Bunnings Craft Kits

bunnings craft kit boysDid you know that Bunnings have a whole range of kids craft kits for both girls and boys.  There is everything from race cars  to pots and saucers.  The kits  contain everything you will need to complete the project:


  • Glue
  • Pre-cut wood
  • Ceramic
  • Paint pots
  • Brush
  • Stickers and rhinestones

They are a great idea, I have used them on those weekend afternoons and school holidays when we just want to relax at home and have something interesting for the kids to do. They cost between $15 – $20. Drop into your nearest Bunnings and check them out, the kids love them!

Rail Trails

railtrails_dad_sonRail trails are shared-use paths recycled from abandoned railway corridors.  Usually managed by local councils for the enjoyment of the general public, rail trails can be used for a range of purposes including walking, cycling and horse riding.

There are usually cafe’s for lunch or snacks at each township along the way but packing a picnic lunch in your backpack is cheaper and easier.  Follow the link and check out the trail to note distances and townships.

Rail Trails have been created when they close train lines but remnants of the past such as railway cuttings and bridges still remain.  They are great fun and best of all – FREE!  Depending on the age of your kids, you can ride the wholes trail or just parts of? The website below will give you distances so you can plan.

Rail Trails are located in each state, click here to visit the rail trail website and find a rail trail for you.

Wheel of treats – travel game

An interesting travel game that the kids love when going for a drive is  “wheel of treats”.

Tools needed: chalk, tyre, child/children and dad.

On the front passenger side tyre, write the names of the children and yourself as “dad”.  Space the names around the tyre and put a mark on the wheel arch as the finishing point.

As you are driving around or traveling to a destination, the names are rotating, when it’s time to stop for a break, the person’s name that has stopped closest to the top of the wheel arch or “marked point” gets to choose the treats for everyone.

Everyone is very excited to get out to find who’s turn it is to choose the treats, have fun 🙂