People are going through a lot right now, mental health conditions and stress levels are through the roof, just ask any psychologist, doctor or hell, even your work colleague. It’s never been more important to really check-in with yourself, your mate, and your family.
Dads going through hard times
Dads, particularly those Dads who are going through a hard time right now with separation, it can be quite easy to retreat inwards, further isolate yourself and your mental health can decline pretty quickly. One way to help pull you out is to establish a regular exercise routine.
Yes, I know, I you’ve heard it all before, but remember, exercise has many benefits, such as stimulating chemicals in your brain that boost your mood.
And a mood booster is just what a lot of people need right now. Forgetting about the other benefits such as reducing the risk of illnesses like high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and cancer (just to name a few); the mental health benefits alone are enormous.
How will exercise make you feel better
Not only does exercise release chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that improve your mood, it simply gets you out in the world, in the sunshine and helps to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, and get you connecting with other people, even if it’s just at the park with a wave or nod of the head as you go by. String a few exercise sessions together and it can reduce stress and other conditions like depression and anxiety, and importantly, aid in the road to recovery from serious mental health issues. Not to mention boost sleep quality, who doesn’t love a solid 8-9 hours!
How much exercise do we really need
Well, the Australian guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes a day of moderate to intense physical activity. I know it may sound like a lot, but it can be broken up over the course of the day. The gyms are currently closed due to lockdown, but there are many ways to get your 30 minutes per day, you just have to be creative.
Do you struggle with motivation
I understand that some may struggle with motivation, time, not knowing what to do or just simply keeping exercise habits up. But there is help out there, especially for Dads. Peak State Health and fitness specialise in helping Dads get back their fitness by helping with goal setting, establishing realistic exercise routines and having regular check-ins for support and accountability.
If you have never worked with a online health and fitness coach before, coaching is done remotely and weekly check-ins are held over zoom these days. Combine the structured exercise routine with a personalised nutrition plan and it’s an absolute game changer. Success rates are high and Dads leave fully self-sufficient to continue the exercise regime on their own.
If you’d like to find out more about Health and Fitness coaching, Steven Dornik is a coach who specifically focuses on helping Dads rediscover their health and fitness. He offers completely free fitness consultations to show you how to get started, contact details below:
Peak State Health and Fitness
Find Steven in “Find a Professional”
For free consultations contact:
mob: 0400 886 119