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The best activities to do in the Australian summer

dadsonline_bbqAustralia has some of the hottest and most extreme summers in the world, and whether you’re a local or a passing tourist, getting out amongst it all during a hot day can be the furthest thing on your mind. However, there are plenty of things you can do outside that take full advantage of a hot summer’s day, and they all can give you great memories and ample relaxation time in between days off work, or whilst on holiday. If you need some ideas on what you can do the next time the temperature gets extreme, read on. Here are 5 activities that are fun and relaxing that you can do during those roasting Australian summers.

Go for a swim.

If you’d like to kill two birds with one stone (that is, get fit and cool down), going for a swim in your local pool, lake or beach is an excellent way to spend a hot summer’s day. Of course, make sure you only swim in safe areas – preferably watched over by a lifeguard or two. If you don’t yet know how to swim, learning how to during the sultry Australian summer is an ideal time to learn.

Have a BBQ

There’s probably nothing more quintessentially Australian than having a BBQ on a warm summer’s day. The sun, a snag and a beverage in hand seem to go so well together that for many Aussies, having a BBQ is the “go to” activity during summer. Don’t forget: BBQs are more fun the more people are involved, so invite your friends, family and neighbours over for the afternoon and make the most of your summer’s day. Head on over to Barbeques Galore for their huge range.

Go for a picnic.

Whether with that special someone, or the entire family, finding a little area of shade under a tree to have a picnic is a fine way to spend some time during the sometimes unrelenting Australian summer. Australia is bestowed with tons of great public parks, and making full use of them will give you the fresh air and relaxation you need amidst the burning sun above. Don’t forget to bring along a footy or soccer ball for a little bit of stimulation between quiet naps under the shady trees.

Go to the beach.

For many around the world, Australian summers are associated with our beautiful stretches of sandy beach, and the swimming and surfing our wonderful coastline provides. The next time the thermometer soars above 30 degrees, get some friends together and head on down to the beach for a day of sun, water and sand.Of course, make sure you apply plenty of sunscreen before you head out. And also make sure you only swim in designated swimming spots (and even then, only between the flags).

Watch a movie outdoors.

Imagine this: a blanket underneath, a special someone close by, and a massive movie screen in front – all set out in a lush botanical garden. Seeing a movie in many of the outdoor cinemas that spring up over the Australian summer can be a fun way to spend those hot and humid nights. There’s something about watching movies in the great outdoors, under the stars, and if you haven’t yet experienced what it’s like, you’re truly missing out. Sure you could watch a movie indoors, but that’s just boring now isn’t it!

Although you may not feel like doing anything when the mercury climbs into the high 30s, put on some shorts, grab a hat, and head outside. There are lots of activities out there just waiting for you – such as those suggested above – and all are almost guaranteed to give you a good time.

